Chapter Two: Please, Please, Please!

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                              CHAPTER TWO: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE

The next day I go to get the mail and there it was a perfectly sealed white envelope sighned, The Fine Arts Academy of Chicago, I kept thinking to myself, please please please. I opened the letter and it  said that I will need to dance one more time for them so they can decide between me and this other girl. The only problem is that if they see me with my cast and crutches I will be automatically out. My only choice is to try to recover before next week, and that is going to be hard.

The next day I go to school and tell all my friends the news about me having to dance again in front of the academy against this girl and if they see my with my cast and crutch I will never get a chance to go to the academy. That evening was supposed to be my ballet practice, but I still went even though im hurt, but I only went to see if I can still dance and I didn't even tell my mom I was there but if she finds out I will be in huge trouble. When I went there I got dressed in my leotard and put my tights and shoes on. Trying to dance was really hard and I was limited to only a couple of dance moves but I could do more than I thought. This helped me a little, maybe I will be better by next week.

 Tomorrow was the practice dance to see if I will get in or not. This whole week I told my mom I was going to the library. When I went to my last dance practice it was wonderful, I was back to normal there was a couple things that weren't perfect but it was better and my planned worked. I was so nervous for tomorrow but I knew I had a chance.

It was the morning of the practice dance and I had my friend's mom drive me, so my mom wouldn't find out I was going. When I walked in the smell of desperation filled the air and I was so nervous, I just wish my mom was here to support me. The first girl went up that I was against she was great but not perfect. It was my turn and as I walked up my heart beat was pounding so hard when I walked in I was so nervous. Then the dance instucter said, "You may begin."

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