Finding The Assassin

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Luke's POV(italics mean thoughts):

   I had no clue how I was going to track down Veronica. I kept thinking about it last night but I couldn't figure out what to do so I just decided I was going to go to the mansion that I saw her head to.

  "Good morning aunt Carla,I decided to head to that mansion at the far end of the town,because last time I saw her she was headed to the mansion,"I said. "You sure their are guards everywhere and you don't know who owns it and you'll never make it in,"she said. "I know but you can try to find a file on it," I said. "Ok then,"she said.

   She began to look up the mansion on her computer and she said"It's owned by a man named Matthew Talon,"she said. "Who's that?"I asked and she brought up a file about the man.

   "He's very rich and he is related a man named Lloyd Talon,"she said. "Is he an assassin?"I asked. "He was an assassin,"she said with a frown. "What do you mean by (was)?"I asked. "He died a few years ago in a battle,"she said. "Oh,"I said with a frown. "Apparently he has a son named Caleb, he's not an assassin but he has been seen a lot around Mr. Smith's place so he must be a friend of the family, if you find him he probably knows more about her and where she is because we don't even know if she lives in the mansion,"she said. "That's a great idea,"I said with a smile. "Where does he live?"I asked. "According to the documents he lives in Salir,it's a town a bit far from here but not too far,"She said. "Will you send the coordinates to me?"I asked. "Yeah I'll send it to you,"she said.

      I headed to my room and got packed. I brought my laser gun,ear piece,and etc.

   "Bye Aunt Clara," I said and hugged her.I took my car.

    I arrived in Salir. It was a huge town. It was bigger than Venecce. As i traveled in the town i passed by Mr. Smith's mansion. It was huge with guards surrounding the place.

   I then headed to a restaurant to see if anybody knew where Caleb was.

   I walked in the restaurant. Everyone was eating some at the bar getting drunk or talking with the bartender. I then walked up to the bar and asked the bartender"I'm looking for my friend Caleb he lives here and I was wondering if you knew where he was?" "I'm sorry I don't know who your talking about,"he said trying to sound innocent. I knew the game he was playing. Trying to act is if they've never heard of that name.

   "Can I speak to you in private?"I asked. "Um ok,I guess,"he said while being confused.

   We went into the storage room where nobody was. I then pulled out my gun and I put it right under his chin "Know I know you know who Caleb is and your going to tell me way I won't shoot you,"I said. "I told you I don't know a thing,"he said still trying to act innocent. I then pushed the fun up a little more. "Now you have five seconds to tell me where he is or I'll shoot," I said.

   I was determined to find Veronica to help me get my mother back and I didn't even know if she was going to help me. All I know is that I wanted my mother back and I was going to get her back.

   "I told you I- I- I*I interrupted him*"1...2....3,"I began to say. "Fine then I'll tell you just please don't shoot,"he said while panicking. "Ok then,"I said while putting the gun down but still having it out just in case. "He lives a few streets down here,"he said. "What street?"I asked while holding the gun up furiously. "Ok,ok, Slat Avenue,in a blue house with two floors,"he said panicking. "You did the right thing by telling me,"I began to walk away. "Oh and don't think of calling the authorities because I've got my ways of figuring out where people live and I already know where you work,"I said without looking at him.

  Even though I didn't look back but I knew he was scared.

    I headed to Slat Avenue. I arrived at the house but first I checked around the house just in case anyone is following me or something.
  I knocked on the door and a lady with blonde hair answered the door. She was tall and skinny but not to skinny she kind of looked a little like my mother.

   "Hi,I'm looking for Caleb," I said while looking behind her. All I saw was rooms with furniture.

   "What for?"She asked with a curious smile. "It's really important please can I speak with your son?"I asked while getting a little desperate. Then a guy my age came from the back of the woman and said"Mom it's ok,it seems very important for him to speak to me so he can,"said the boy. It was Caleb. His mother than opened the door  wider to let me in and said "I'm sorry please come in." "Thank you, you have no clue how important this is to me,"I said.

   I sat down on their couch. Caleb sat by me and his mother sat on the in front of us.

    "Who are you?"Caleb asked. "My name is Luke Carlo and I need your friend Veronica's help," I said. The second I said Veronica he got up and shot me a death look like he wanted me dead. "Why do you want Veronica!?"he yelled at me furiously. I could tell he really cares about Veronica.

   "My mother had been taken by Mr. Smith and I was thinking she could help me,"I said. "She probably wouldn't help you,"he said. "Please I really need her help,"I said. "Fine then she is staying in Venecce in the mansion,tell the guards I sent you and I'll tell Veronica that you'll be coming,"he said. "Thank you," I said. I waved goodbye and started to head for Venecce.

     I didn't tell them that I was a spy because I knew they wouldn't help me if I did.


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