Chapter: 33

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A/N so Mak and Janessa will still be in the story at times but they won't have povs. I might throw in a. Few different ones here and there but in order for me to continue this story I needed to cut down on the extra writing. Ok read on loves! ❤️

Casey POV.

"I hate everything" I say in a groggy morning voice. Jonas sighs after he had shook me awake.

"Come on you have to get up!" Jonas says flopping on top of me.

"Well now I definitely can't!" I groan.

"Come on we gotta go" he says causing me to sit up and roll my eyes mocking what I knew he was bound to say.

"It's a new day Casey and its litlit" he says while I mocked him walking to my dresser pulling out an outfit.
* @ school*

As I walked in the doors of the art school my supplies in my bag I felt extremely nervous. I walk in and expected a empty hallways seeing as I'm a transfer student and the classes should be in session by now.

I follow the signs to the office and walk in.

"Hi I'm Casey the new student" I say smiling.

"Which program were you enrolled in?" She asks.

"I have a full scholarship for all four of your art classes as well as advanced writing classes for poetry." I say blushing at my long list.

"Very qualified, just the kind of student we need" the plump lady at the desk smiled shuffling papers "here is your schedule I will have a guide for you now"

"This is Ashton he will show you around to your classes he is in our advanced singing program". (No not Ashton Irwin)

"Hello" he says. Ashton is hot. But Jonas is cuter. Is it bad that I'm saying that? Whatever.

"Hi" I say smiling. He gently takes my schedule and reads it.

"We have the first class together which is good so I'll show you" I follow Ashton to a classroom labeled music. We walk in and I take an empty seat next to Ashton and the class starts.

"Well looks like a new student is here, it is now your turn to show everyone what you can do" the woman in the ugly floral skirt hisses.

"Ok" I gulp.

"You'll do great" Ashton encourages. I nod walking to the front where many instruments are displayed. I sit on the stool in front of the piano and place my fingers lightly into the ivory keys.

"Uh I need someone who can sing to assist me please?" I ask trying to move confident. Ashton raised his hand before three others did.

"Ashton" the teacher says rolling her eyes.

"What do I need to sing?" He asks.

"Someone like you Adele" I whisper.

I took a deep breath and began to play Adele someone like you. Ashton's voice was angelic along with the piano. The class was mesmerized.

After we were finished everyone clapped causing me to smile.

"Well done, I know who to assign as partners now" the woman I later learned is called Mrs Alta marked in a book. "You two are unstoppable"

I went on with the day and people soon realized that I was me, they realized I was the one who makes cringey musical.lys and YouTube videos.

"Why is everyone calling you that girl" Ashton asks me when I was grabbing a book out of my locker for poetry.

"Because I am kinda dating a popular muser and I may or may not be one to" I say cringing.

"That's cool I guess" Ashton says with a glint of something unidentifiable in his eyes.

"Yeah it is, uh you know that guy Jacob Sartorious-" I started but was cut off by Ashton.

"Please don't tell me you are dating him!" He says sighing.

"No! He's my friend I was gunna say that I was in the sweatshirt video" I say cracking up. " no I'm dating Jonas Bridges" I say proudly thinking of him and smiling.

"Never heard of him" Ashton says leaning against the lockers and crossing his arms across his chest.

I pull out my phone and show him the screen saver of jonas and I.

"Blondie aye?"

"Yeah" I say smirking at his accent. "Canadian?"

"Yeah" he chuckles.

A/N how do you like this chapter?
(Btw Ashton is a made up person but he is tall with dark hair and blue eyes.)

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