Chapter: 27

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It's been about three months since tour, we started school which was painful but, The most painful thing in the world is seeing Justin and Mak together. It sounds selfish and wrong,but, I miss Julian so much I am just mad that someone else is as happy as I wish I was.

I haven't been myself lately, so I've been told. I'm always happy to hear from Julian but whenever I do there is a stab of pain that reminds me, he's not gunna come home and hug you until u fall asleep tonight. Julian can't come over when you feel alone, or make cute musical.lys with you.

I know, I know, I'm being dramatic. What would you do if your boyfriend lived thousands of miles away.

"Janessa!" I heard someone yell, followed by a whole lot of stomping.

"Quit sulking and answer the door!" My mom yelled flinging open my door. I rolled my eyes and stomped down the stairs opening the door carelessly.

"Yes?" I question turning my head to see who it is.

"Is Janessa in? I'm a lost poptart!"

"Oh. My. God. !" I yelled jumping into the one and only poptart Jara's arms.

"I missed you so much!" I said kissing his cheek.

"I missed you to baby cakes" he said with a smile.

"Where is toaster?" I ask looking behind his shoulder.

"Boo!" I jump at the sight of Jovani with this hands outstretched giving me a hug.

"Boi you couldn't think of anything better than 'boo'"

"What should I have said than 'rawr'?" The arguing continued but I'm glad it did. I missed these boys.

I ran inside my house throwing my bag down on the ground by the door.

"Mom I'm home!" I yell shuffling through the third mail I had snatched out of the mailbox in front of my house.

"Oh my god" I state out loud staring at the letter in my hands.

'Gifted school of the arts'

The large envelope read on the front in bold cursive letters.

"Mom!" I yell sitting down at the table. My mom came down the stairs sitting down with me eyes widened. I slowly tore the envelope open.

"Dear, Casey we are pleased to inform you that you have been excepted to our school. If you so choose to come, you will need to call within a week. We hope to see you this coming semester" I read aloud.

"You have to go" my mom says with a smile. "This is a once in a lifetime experience!" She raves.

"Mom it's in North Carolina!" I exclaim.

"That's why you'll have to live with a host family. I don't want you to but it's the best idea"

"Mom! What if I don't wanna leave my friends and family!" I say cutting off her rant. She gives a small look of disappointment.

"I'll let you think about it I guess." She says standing up and leaving me alone.

I say on my computer face timing Jonas.

"So I have something to tell you" Jonas starts fidgeting where he sat.

"Same. You first."

"I'm moving, to North Carolina." He says with a sad look on his face.

"Oh my god. I got accepted to a school in North Carolina !" I say smiling largely.

Turns out the school is on the same town Jonas is set to live in. If I went to that school, I would see my boyfriend. But I would also lose my best friends...

I payed cuddled next to Justin my head on his chest. We are watching suicide squad ( illegally)on his laptop. For the fifth time since it's came out.

"I LOVE this movie" I exclaim.

"So do I" Damon says popping up from the end of the bed with popcorn.

"Ahhhhh!" Justin and I scream jumping apart sending the laptop tumbling forward hitting Damon in the face.

"What are you doing in here! How long have you been here!?" Justin asks. I sat laughing next to him causing everyone to laugh.

"If it's honesty hour, I was in here to." Danny says crawling out from under Justin's extra bed.

"How many more people are in this room!" I yell laughing. And then fynn and kana come running out of the closet- just kidding (lol).

"Well since your all here let's watch it together!" I say hooking up the laptop to tv laying in between Justin and Danny. Damon lays on my legs watching the movie contently.

A knock on Justin's door caused me to rip my eyes away from Harley Quinn beating the crap outta an alien.

"Can I join you?" Casey asks hopefully. Damon smiles so big it's almost creepy.

"Yes. Join the fandom!" He says smacking the spot next to him. Casey shrugs plopping down watching the movie.

"We should all cosplay as suicide squad!" Damon suggests.

"I'm down!" I yell happily.

"I don't know about that" Casey says causing my eyes to go wide.

"Get out" Danny says dramatically pointing to the door and looking away from her.

"I just mea-"

"I said the door b*tch" Danny yells causing everyone to laugh.

"How about I take the pictures." She wagers.


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