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At the airport there were about twenty supporters waiting inside. I took photos with them and signed shirts and various things and assured them I would post about them on my snapchat. After we all safely got into two separate buses for the tour, I was in with the twins Justin and the rest of the girls, while Jonas Mario blake Mark and mama cam rode in another bus.

I sat next to Julian with my head on his shoulder as we headed to the hotel. Mak and Justin cuddled on a different seat while Casey rode with the other boys.

"How do you think Casey is doing ?" I ask in a mumble half asleep.

"Probably asleep like you should be" Julian says looking down at me causing me to roll my eyes.

"I do what I want to-" I was cut of by Julian pressing his finger to my lips and shhing me loudly.

"Julian if you don't shut up with that shhh mess " Jovani yells to him causing me to laugh.

"Get outta here boi that's why you don't have a girlfriend!" He says causing mak and Justin to yell 'ohh'.

"I don't know how you do you Look like a poptart!"

"You are a poptart !"

"A poptart really that's the best u-"

"I personally like poptarts and I would like you to shut up!!" I say grabbing Julian and sitting him down next to me.


I sat by Justin listening to Julian and Jovani argue about... I don't even know something about a poptart. Justin chuckled and then pulled out his phone to take a video. I laughed uncontrollably and then we took a

"Hey we're here dude " Jovani yelled. We all filed off the bus and headed into the hotel and went to our rooms.

Justin and I had a room with two beds as requested by our parents but we all knew we wouldn't be separated. Julian and Jovani had a room and Janessa and Casey. Jonas had his parents with him so he would be staying with them but will undeniably sneak away.

Mario and Blake and then Mark Joey and cam. I plopped down on the closest bed and almost instantly fell asleep until Justin jumped on me.

"Justin I will strangle you!" I say jokingly.

"I'm so very scared, Mario and Blake are having people in they're room lets go" he says playing with my hair. I groan and pull myself up.

"Yay!" Justin says leading the way to the elevator.


Jonas lied on his stomach with his arms hanging off the bed while I sat at on the floor on my phone while Jonas played with my hair.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, my sister Nicole she's going to come to this show. I think she's here now" Jonas says causing me instantly look over to him.

"You have a sister I didn't even know!" I exclaim.

"Yeah well my parents don't want her to get caught up in this magcon mess so they told me to keep it low key. But I'm sure she will love you?" He says with a smile.

"But what if she doesn't!?" I say crossing my arms nervously. Jonas slid into the floor next to me putting an arm around me and looking me in the eye.

"I wouldn't care what she thought, if my parents didn't like you but they do like you very much I wouldn't care if they didn't because your mine and no one can tell me different" he kisses my forehead.

My phone buzzes.

From: Mario🎉🕶- evry1 is in my room come on now need ur help!

To: Mario🎉🕶- on my way!

"Mario has people in his room and is insisting our presence mr bridges " I say standing up and putting my hand out to help Jonas up.

"If I have to"
In Marios room after awhile

I was sitting next to Mario and he was talking about his crush.

"What is her name Selman?! I'm seriously going to strangle you if you tell me how nice she is one more time !" I say looking at him with the most evil look I could muster.

"Her name is Nicole, don't tell anyone but she's Jonas's sister" he says looking around the room for Jonas who sat in the chair on the opposite side of the room.

"Your screwed, but I haven't met Nicole yet and I already feel like I know her" I say standing from my spot next to Mario and going to sit next to Janessa and Julian.

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