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We all sat in a circle Mak sat by Justin and sat silently blushing every time he would look at her. Janessa sat by Julian they were having a conversation that required then both bursting into fits of laughter. I sat by myself away from the crowd until Jonas plopped down practically on top of me.

"Ok I'll start!" Mark yelled sitting down in the middle of the circle of people. "Justin truth or dare" 

"Truth" he says.

"If you could kiss anyone in this room who would you kiss?" Mark interrogated.

"Probably Mak" after those words instantly left Justin's mouth I didn't have to look to know that mak was blushing a bright red and biting back a smile.

The game went on with pointless little questions and dares  until Jacob dared Julian and Janessa to kiss for 15 seconds. After that Janessa beamed with happiness. I hadn't been dared to do anything which I was very happy about. And of course Jacob had to ruin my streak.

"I dare you to kiss Jonas for 20 seconds" the words left his mouth making my eyes bulge out of my head and then turn to pure anger. Mak and Janessa didn't think I would do it. Jacob smirked with satisfaction that I hadn't done anything yet. I looked too as who looked away from me and back to his hands.

And then I kissed him for 23 seconds. And looked to Jacob.

"How was that Jacob fagtorious?!" I say with a laugh. Meanwhile Jonas sat frozen looking at me with an unreadable grin on his face.

Mak and Janessa looked at me questioningly and I shrugged and returned to scrolling through my phone. Maybe these guys weren't that bad after all.

"Group pic!" Jonas yells throwing his arm over my shoulder. I look up and smile just like everyone else in the room. After the picture was taken Jonas looked down at his phone and everyone proceeded to do whatever. But Jonas never took his arm off....

~CLICHE~ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang