I always wondered since college why Lauren would never get into a serious relationship. I just always thought she knew those guys weren't the one, but now I see my best friend is a hoe and just money hungry and a user.

Lee was now telling us about her and her boo Dell. I have to say this Odell kid she's been dealing with is making her happy and to hear that they made things official is good.

We all looked at Erika and I could tell she felt uneasy having tea time. But of course the asshole of the group had to say something.

"Come on E, fuck trey you can do so much better than him. It's Friday lets hit the club." Lauren said before looking at me to help her.

Honestly, I know what Erika is going through. I went through the same shit with Nathan. But, what Lauren don't get is they put years into this relationship and its not easy to say fuck it.

Although, I feel as if this isn't Trey's first time cheating, it's his first time getting caught.

I looked at Erika before speaking.

"Best friend, I love you and I wouldn't tell you nothing to hurt you or something I didn't believe in. But if you want to give Trey another chance you do that. That's 6 years invested and no one truly knows y'all relationship but y'all. So, if you want to work on it you do that and you know Lee lee and I support any decision you make." I stated honestly with tears in my eyes.

I hated to see my best friend like this. She's overly stressed and just not her bubbly self.

But, once again HOE'Lauren had to ruin the moment.

"You can sit here and let Fallon trick you into giving Trey no good ass a chance, but, I'm gone be honest with you." Lauren said looking at Erika.

I seen Aaliyah clench her fist, i stopped her.

"Trick her ? Bitch lets be real misery loves company. You trying to give love advice, well good try for a mother fucker whose never been in a serious relationship. Kim Kardashian been in relationships longer than you." I semi yelled enough for her to hear.

Scoffing, she got up from the table.

"Erika if you want to go out and get over Trey you got my number. But if you want to take advice from a bitch whose only been in one relationship and couldn't keep her man to save hers or your life, I truly understand that too."


I was now in a holding cell waiting for my lawyer. Lee lee, Erika, and August were at the police station waiting to post bond, but it looks like I'll be in here for a night since my lawyer won't be here until morning.

I still cant believe that weak bitch pressed charges. But it's all good.


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I was at the hospital getting stitches. That crazy ass bitch threw her wine glass at me and started hitting me. Once I hit the floor she start stomping me.

Like who in actual fuck would stomp somebody with stilettos on?

Waiting to go into surgery, Chris was in my room looking at me in disbelief.

I took a picture if my face and bruises and send them to Nathan.

Laying my phone on my chest, a middle age brown skinned woman walked in with beautiful long jet black, silky hair.

"Ms.Harris, I'm Dr. Xatia Anderson. I'll be perform your surgery this evening, are you ready ?"

Nodding my head nervously, I gave my purse to Chris.

Damn Fall in jail?
Lauren mouth finally got her ass popped!!

Sorry for Any Errors


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- Jiaye

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