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  Virgo(f)xAquarius(m)-> Chloe_Kitty I got you covered bro and I guess this can be for MG2003 as well!!
Virgo's POV

     "WHAT THE BLOODY HÈLL BABE!!" I screech at my boyfriend. He only smirks and turns back to the TV where his avatar has just killed mine. Making up my mind I tackle him.
"HOW COULD YOU!!" I yell as we tumble to the floor.

We on the ground hard, well he lands hard. I just fall on top of him.
   "Hahahahaha!!!" I laugh evilly.
    "Seriously Vi?" Asks Aqua from the floor. I peer down at him.

    I stand up and fall back onto the couch. After a moment Aqua stands up as well and walks over to the kitchen.
    "Want anything?" I ponder for a second before calling out.
   "A cookie and milk!!" I hear a sigh from the kitchen and grin.

     After a minute or two Aqua walks back into the small living room. He's holding a bowl, a cup of milk and a huge chocolate cookie.
"Gimme! Gimme!" I squeal looking at the huge cookie. He grins and holds it over my head. Along with the milk.

"Give me the dâmn cookie." I say in a monotone voice. He refuses and continues holding the cookie over my head. I narrow my eyes, planning how to get my baby cookie.

    Then a plan hits me. I look Aqua in the eyes and see him lift the cookie higher in the air. I smirk as he falls for my plan. Suddenly my hand shoots out and jabs him in the stomach. He grunts and the hand holding my cookie and milk lowers. My smirk grows wider as I start to tickle the kitkats out of him.

    When my cookie is near enough for me to grab I reach out and snatch it out of his hand. Unfortunately I forgot there was milk. The cold liquid falls down Aqua's arm and mine.
"Oh crab!" I squeal as Aqua starts to laugh.

Hope y'all enjoyed, especially the young couple *makes kissing noises* anyway request cause I'm bored and love hearing from readers and VOTE!!

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