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Aries(f)xScorpio(f)            courtesy of meh!!!

     "What the bloody hell Aries!!?" Scorpio screams at the redhead standing five feet in front of her. "What in the hell made you fill my locker with PINK slime!!? At a DANCE!!?"

"Meh, I thought it would be funny." Smirks Aries at her slime covered rival. Scorpio lets out a inhuman growl and storms down the hall. Laughing Aries walks into the gym where the dance is being held.

Aries's POV

It's a little under a hour and I haven't seen Scorpio. Rolling my eyes I step out of the crowded dance to search for my idiot rival.

    The hallway is completely empty except for me. I give a annoyed sigh and start down the dark hall. Passing a janitor's closet halfway down I hear sobbing. Opening the door a bit I peek my head in. Narrowing my eyes I try to make out who in there.

    My mouth drops open when I see a familiar black headed form. Scorpio.
"Hey what's wrong??" I say in a voice very unlike the one I normally use around her. Not even looking up she sobs out the words.
"So I have this crush but they hate me."

"Maybe they just seem like they hate you? Maybe they're just shy or something?" I sympathetically out my hand on her shoulder. She only scoffs.
"Yeah, I doubt it. I don't think Aries has ever liked me a day in her life." For the second time this evening my jaw drops.

Scorpio, the Scorpio. The one who put live snakes in my desk, likes me. Me, as in the person she's be fighting with everyday since she got here.
"My god..." I whisper. Hearing my normally voice her head snaps up.

"Oh sh*t. Please tell me you didn't....." She stands up, pushing my hand away. I stand up as well.
"What's going on Scorpio?" I ask. Tear fall from her eyes.
"Nothing. I like you. And I have for a long time. Not like you care." She snarls at me before making a dash for the door.

Just before she can reach the hallway I grab her hand. Pulling her towards me I make a choice. Pushing her into a wall I look at her. Her mascara is running and she's still covered in pink slime. But honestly, she looks really beautiful.

    And with that I put my lips to hers.

'Ello pumpkins. Hope ya'll enjoy!! This one has been in my head for awhile now and it's awesome to get it out!! Please request!!

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