Capricorn and Aquarius

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  Capricorn(m)xAquarius(m)->for the fabulous Raiko-Chan184
Capricorn's POV

"Cappo will ya pay attention!" My best Aries pokes my arm.
"Wha?" She rolls her eyes before pointing to my only other friends beside her, Sagittarius the schools best student, mostly 'cause her parents force her to lots of extra classes, and Taurus, the school's trouble kid, only because he's trying to get his dad to notice him. Then we have Aries, the girl whose punched half the school and me, the sarcastic nerd who likes guys.

I turn my head to the others. Aries sighs and opens her mouth.
"Cap I know this is probably interrupting your staring at Aquarius time but this is important." My face turns bright red at the mention of me starting at Aquarius, the school's bad boy.
  "I-it wasn't like that." I stutter.
  "Dude I may not have Sagittarius's IQ but even I can tell you like him." Taurus says with a raised eyebrow.

    I give a heavy sigh and look over my shoulder at Aquarius. He's got scruffy black hair with bright blue tips and dark blue eyes. I give a another more wistful sigh. Then I see Scorpio approaching him. She's probably the most popular girl in school. Long black hair and crimson eyes. She also happens to be Aquarius's girlfriend.

    She walks up to Aquarius and gives him a light kiss on the cheek. He grins and pats the place on the beach next to him. She gives a cheerful laugh and sits down. I narrow my eyes and glare at her.
"Cap pay attention!" I hear Aries snap at me. I turn back to my friends to see them smirking evilly.
"What?" I ask annoyed that my staring at Aquarius time has been stopped yet again.

Aries's smirk deepens. I raise my eyebrow.
"So you finally pay attention huh?" I groan and wave my hand in a 'go on' gesture.
"Well we have a plan to prank Aquarius, Scorpio and a few of their friends." She smirks widely.
"No, no, no!" I wave my hand frantically and she rolls her eyes. I then feel myself being grabbed from around the waist.

    I rapidly twist around to see Taurus tossing me over his shoulder.
   "Have fun!" I hear Sagittarius call from the table. I flip her off and I hear chuckles from around the cafeteria. Look at Taurus back I start to curse my bad luck.

  "Ok man where are you taking me?" I ask Taurus's back. He gives a grunt. I sigh and look at my surroundings. We're out of the cafeteria and going down a long hallway. I close my eyes.

   Pretty soon I feel myself being swung down down from Taurus's shoulder. I quickly open my eyes to see all the light leaving as he closes the door in front of me. I hear the lock click and think of the most vile curse I can for my idiot friends.

    Five minutes later I hear screaming and yelling coming from the halls. I gaze wistfully at the classroom door. As if by magic it swings open and someone hurries in, quickly slamming the door.
    "Thank go----!" My voice drops upon seeing the person. It's Aquarius. Seeing me he give a hesitant grin.
"I can't believe your friends stuck you in here too." I roll my eyes and fight down the fluttering in my stomach.

There were muffled yells from outside the classroom, while Aquarius and I stared awkwardly in the opposite direction of each other.

"Ummm... This is interesting..." Said Aquarius awkwardly.
"Yeah." I reply biting my lip. I tap my foot lightly agains the floor. Suddenly I hear someone fumbling with the lock. Light starts to enter the dark classroom. Just before we can see the person opening it I slide up to Aquarius.

    I quickly put my lips to his, in second it's over and I'm pushing open the door and sprinting into the hall. I hear Sagittarius call my name and I hear her yell at Aquarius. I just keep running.

    I keep running till I reach my beat up truck. I hop in and don't look back. Quickly I shove the keys in and start up the truck. As I leave the campus I see Aquarius running along the sidewalk.

         Next day at lunch

    I sit slumped over chewing my pasta slowly. Looking for entertainment I turn to Aries. For once she happens to be silent. I follow her gaze and see it lands on Scorpio. Turning back to Aries I see her face has the slightest tint of pink. Chuckling to myself I realize why Aries alway pranks Scorpio.

    Turning back to my pasta I ponder my dead love life. Then for the second time in the past 48 hours I feel myself being swung over someone's shoulder.
   "TAURUS!" I screech at the back of the person holding.
    "I'm right here man." I follow the voice to see Taurus sitting with Aries and Sagittarius.

   Quickly I twist around to see whose carrying me. All I can see is black hair. I can guess it's someone we know or else Aries would have beaten them up by now. Sighing I relax.

    The unknown person carries me out of the cafeteria and into the hall.
   "Hello?" I ask quietly. No answer.
   "Hello?" I try again. Still no answer.

    It's goes like this till the person walks into an empty classroom. I'm then unceremoniously dumped on the floor.
"You bloody---" I start to snap at then before seeing a familiar pair of dark blue eyes.

   "Please don't kill me?" I attempt. I mean he may be a bad boy but would he really kill me? He gives a chuckle which sounds rich and low in his deep voice.
   "Chill I'm not gonna kill you. Maybe. I just want to talk." I gulp. I knew kissing him would be a bad idea.

   "Why did you kiss me?" He asks. I gulp again.
  "Answer me. Please." He says in a 'no argument' tone.
   "I-uhh kinda l-like you." I whisper. His face is emotionless and I close my eyes, waiting for a punch.

   I don't feel his fist hit my face though. Instead I feel warm lips meet mine. I kiss back with  heart. Then it hits me. I pull out of the kiss.
   "Scorpio!!"  In the dark I see him grin.
   "We broke up. It was mutual and we're still friends." I grin a hopeful grin.
   "Alright then."

   And with that our lips meet again and my heart spins. He move until I can feel a wall behind my back.
   "Hay guuuuuu....oh sorry!" I hear Aries squeak as the door slams shut.

   Hope you all like! Sorry it's so long!! And a special thanks to Awesomepants23
   She saved my butt and wrote a tiny bit to help me finish! Follow her and read her maxing stories!!

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