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Leo(m)xAquarius(m)-> another idea onto the page.....
Leo's POV

       You know what sucks? Being stuck as dorm partners with the most popular guy in school. And having a crush on him. Welcome to my wonderful, note the sarcasm, life.

    "o, Leo, Leo!" I turn to see my hyperactive best friend Gemini. She is probably the most hyper chick you'll ever meet.
    "What's up Gem?" Hearing my annoyed tone she smirks.
   "You were totally thinking Aquarius, weren't you?" She raises her eyebrows. Quietly I punch her arm.
   "You are such a wimp Aqua!" She squeals.
   "Me the wimp? You've had a crush on Aries since you hot here! And have you ever talked to him? NO!" She pouts and glares me.

  Fifteen minutes she back to normal. Unluckily for me.
    "Ok Leo, I dare you to tell Aquarius you like him and I'll run up to Aries and kiss him. On the lips." My jaw drops.
"Uhh---Wh-whatttt irgh...??" I attempt to speak but my mouth won't make the sounds.
Gem sighs.
"I didn't want to but, I triple dog dare you." My jaw drops.
"Come on Gem!" She grins at me.
"Well I have to kiss Aries full on so, you better not complain." I growl at her and she wipes away a fake tear.
"I'm so hurt Leo, so very hurt."

The walk over to Aquarius and his friends seems to take forever. The I'm standing right in front of him.
"Hay roomie!" He calls.
"Hay Aquarius, I like you." And with that I dash off. As I race away I see Gem sprinting after me, red in the face.

We both run into the school. As we race down the hallway I see a open janitor's closet. Grabbing Gem arm I pull her into it, while slamming the door.
"Dude that was awesome!" She says, giving me a one armed hug. I give light chuckle.
"Yeah it was."

Short and crappy? Hope you kinda liked, and request my dearest pumpkins!

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