Chapter 24: Two Days

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I spent the rest of the day staring out the window as I thought about everything that had happened today. I was told I was a pokemon that didn't exist in the Sinnoh region, I was told I had to make a choice on whether to keep my friends or not, and I had to decide all of this in two days.

"Kat?" Umbreon asked as she came upstairs finally after Paul left.

"Hey Umbreon..." I muttered still staring out the window.

"Is everything alright? You haven't come out of your room since Paul left."

"Everything is fine..."

"It's not I can see the look on your face, you're thinking about something important, but what? I want to know so I can help you."

"It's nothing Umbreon, please I just need to be alone for a little bit..." She sighed and then left the room again. "I'm so sorry Umbreon..." I said after I knew she was gone.

I pulled out four pokeballs quickly.

"Jolteon, Sylveon, Glaceon, Leafeon please go keep Umbreon company." They all appeared and looked at me worried but went downstairs to play with Umbreon.

I shivered as the sun started to set. Two days to decide what I wanted to do with my life. I could stay with my friends and family or go back to what I use to be. I was born a Pokémon but I had made so many wonderful friends along the way. There had to be something I was leaving behind from when I was a Pokémon.

I decided to go to bed and rest on it. I curled up and fell asleep quickly.

Hey Zorark!

Hey Zorua.

Where are you going?

I have to go away for a little while but I promise I'll come home eventually.

But I thought we were friends? Where ever you go I wanna go too.

You can't...

Why not?!

Because I have to go alone.

No! That's not fair!


You promised we would always be together! You lied!

I didn't...

Yes you did!


I woke up in a cold sweat as I thought about my dream. It felt like it was something that actually happened. I pushed the blanket off my body and headed to the window. I saw umbreon and Sylveon  in the front yard. Sylveon rubbed against umbreon and they both smiled warmly.

How could I leave them? But did I do the same thing to Zorua?


The morning came too quickly and I headed downstairs for the first time since yesterday afternoon.

"Good morning." My brother said lightly.

"Morning." Umbreon and Sylveon looked at me slightly. "Hey you two." I bent down and pet their heads lightly.

"Kat, are you alright?" Umbreon asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I ate breakfast, went upstairs and changed before heading out of the house with umbreon and Sylveon.

"Kat?" Paul said as he came out of his house.

"Hey Paul." He frowned when he saw the look on my face.

"Kat, please tell us what's going on." Umbreon asked worried.

"Alright..." I sat down on the steps.

"Well?" Sylveon asked.

"Cresselia told me that I use to be a Pokémon called Zorark, she said that I chose to become a human because of the bad organizations popping up all over the world. Cresselia and I promised that when we met again I would choose whether I wanted to stay a human or go back to being a Pokémon, but..." I trailed off.

"But?" Umbreon asked.

"If I choose to go back to being a Pokémon I can never be a human again, which means I wouldn't be your trainer anymore." They both frowned.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Because she is giving me two days to decide. On the night of the crescent moon I will have to choose what I want to do but last night I had a dream of when I was a Zorark, there was another Pokémon named Zorua. Zorua was my friend and I left him behind. We promised we would always be together and I left him behind..." umbreon touched my hand with her head.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to stay with my friends and family but I also want to find Zorua and apologize." She nodded.

"Then you know what you have to do?" I nodded.

"I do."


Two days came and went. They were filled with thinking about the upcoming decision I would have to make. Finally, the crescent moon shined high in the sky.

"Kat." I heard as I stepped outside with Umbreon.

"Cresselia." She appeared in front of us.

"It is time, what have you decided?" I looked down at umbreon and smiled.

"I've chosen to stay human, to continue to protect the world I have grown to love. But I must ask one thing of you Cresselia." She looked at me confused.

"And what's that?"

"A Pokémon called Zorua. I wish to find him." She looked at me confused.

"Zorua? I've never heard of that Pokémon." I frowned.

"Do you think you could look into my memories and find him?" She nodded once and I touched my hand to her head. Her body glowed and I felt a sharply pain in my head. I did my best to keep from crying out.

"I found him." She said and I backed away a little light headed.

"Really? Where is he?"

"The Unova region." I nodded as looked at the crescent moon in the sky.

"I will find you Zorua, I won't break our promise again." Cresselia looked at me lightly.

"You have made your choice, Kat. I hope you live a long and happy life as a human." She disappeared and I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. Umbreon smiled brightly and jumped into my arms.

"I'm sorry I made you worry buddy, it won't happen again I promise."

A new adventure is about to unfold as I look for my long lost friend, Zorua. I will find him and I will make sure I keep the promise I broke so long ago. I only hope that it isn't too late...

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