Chapter 7: Team Galactic

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Paul, Jolteon, Umbreon and I ducked into the house as we heard some people coming our way.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Regi asked.

"Team Galactic." Paul said and I looked at him confused. 

"Team Galactic? Is that the organization my father runs?" I asked and he nodded.

"Team Galactic is an organization that steals people's Pokemon and are trying to craft something called the Red Chain by using the legendary lake Pokemon."  I looked at him stunned.

"Legendary lake Pokemon?"  Regi took over explaining.

"The legendary lake Pokemon are said to be spiritual beings. Uxie, the being of knowledge said to dwell at the lake in Snowpoint City. Mespirit, the being of emotion said to dwell at the lake in Twinleaf Town. And finally Azelf, the being of willpower said to dwell at the lake by the Valor Resort." I nodded slowly as the names slowly sunk in. They seemed so familiar.

"I see so he's trying to craft a Red Chain by using Uxie, Mespirit, and Azelf to make something, but it will probably hurt them." I muttered and that's when a loud knock came from the front door.

"Regi open up." I heard my father's voice. I had never seen his face when we got in there, but the voice I recognized.

"Hang on Cyrus I'm cooking dinner for Paul, who's home." Regi called out and then looked at us. "Head down to the basement." I nodded and followed Paul downstairs.

"Stay here, we'll come back for you when he leaves." He left and all of a sudden I was thrown back into another memory.

Stay here until he goes away. I don't want him to hurt you anymore Kat.

Paul, please don't leave me alone...

I'll be back I promise.


Paul I won't ask again where is Kat?

Regi I don't know what you're talking about, Kat went home hours ago.

Paul stop lying.  I know she's here still.



Daddy please let me go!

Kat this is for your own good, you need to stay home. This power of yours is something that the people of this city are afraid of. It doesn't matter if your friendship with Paul has changed how you feel about it. It needs to stop. I will find a way to cure you. So you can be normal.

I felt as if my chest was closing in on itself as I heard my father's voice booming from above us.

"Do you know about the Jolteon that went missing from the factory, have you see one running around this morning? Maybe with another Jolteon and an Umbreon?"

"I don't think so, it certainly would have stood out. Maybe try the forest or by lake Valor." Regi said.

"Do you mind if I have a look around?" My father asked questioningly.

"I do actually, I haven't really had a chance to clean up around the house and I would appreciate it if you would respect my privacy. I think you of all people should understand that." I heard a grunt and then the slamming of a door. A few moments later Paul came back downstairs.

"It's okay, he's gone now." He held out a hand and I hesitated before grabbing it. He pulled me to my feet and I felt as if the weight of the world was pulled off my shoulders.

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