Chapter 19: May, Sylveon and a New Day

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May and I took our places on the battlefield. 

"Our first battle of the day will be between May and Kat. Let's this battle begin!" I pulled out my two pokeballs.

"Eevee, Glaceon Spotlight!" The two Pokemon appeared in a bright ribbon and ice.

"Beautifly, Glaceon take the stage!" May called out.

So Glaceon versus Glaceon huh?

"Glaceon use Ice Shard, Eevee use Baby-Doll Eyes!" The two moves shined brightly as they combined together.  It landed without a problem with the amount of speed it had.

"Glaceon use Scaryface on Eevee and Beautifly use Silver Wind on Glaceon!" May called out.

"Glaceon dodge! Eevee use Shadow Ball!" However only Glaceon dodged, while Eevee backed away and then jumped behind my leg.  "Eevee it's alright please go and help Glaceon, I know you can do it. I believe in you."  She looked at me and immediately shook out of her dazed fear.  She jumped forward again, but then started glowing brightly.


"Eevee's evolving!" I saw ribbon like things appear from the light and when it faded a completely new Pokemon was in front of me. "What is this Pokemon?"

This must have been what my uncle was talking about when he said Eevee was special and to take good care of it.  This must be an Eevee evolution that was only found in Kalos.

"Glaceon use Icy Wind! Sylveon use Fairy Wind!" I called out remembering the name of this beautiful new Pokemon before me. The two moves combined and blasted Beautifly and Glaceon back into the ground. 

"What's a Sylveon?" May called out shocked by the new name of my Eevee.

"It's a Pokemon only found in the Kalos region, my uncle gave me Eevee as a present, this Sylveon is a whole new type known as Fairy type." May and everyone was shocked to here my explanation. "Sylveon use Moonblast! Glaceon use Ice Beam!" The two Pokemon jumped into the air and as the two moves combined they glowed a bright blue and pink.  It was like watching a star from the heavens flying straight for Glaceon and beautifly who were still trying to regain their composure from the last attack.

"Dodge both of you!" May called out but it wasn't enough, it blasted the two Pokemon back once more. Only this time they didn't get up.  The buzzers went off.

"The winner of this round is Kat, who will be moving on to the next battle round." Sylveon and Glaceon jumped into my arms. 

"Thank you both so much!" They both were smiling brightly at me.

"Kat thanks for a great battle, I hope you win this whole thing." May said shaking my hand lightly. I nodded at her.

"You bet we will, thanks for a great battle May."

We made it to another day of he grand festival.

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