Chapter 8: Lake Valor

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It took a while of walking and battling trainers to finally get to Lake Valor. However there were two scientists blocking the entrance to the lake.

"I would like to see the lake, may I?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Back off!" One of them yelled and the other one went to push me away. Umbreon bit down on his arm causing the man to cry out in pain.

"You little-" he want to hit Umbreon away when I kicked him in the leg.

"Listen here you brat if you want to get into the lake so badly go and talk to Cyrus." I froze.

"So you're members of Team Galactic." I said and they looked at me like I had said something profound.

"So you know about Team Galactic? Then get lost!" I walked away with Umbreon.

"So how to get in there without anyone seeing." I wondered.

"You could always go in the easy way by kicking their butts." Umbreon said and I giggled.

"That is an option but not the smartest option. Those men are part of my father's organization. If they see me transform then they will inform my father and we won't be able to see Azelf. So we need to about this ninja style. I'll change into a ghost type Pokemon and go to the lake." She nodded and we moved in the opposite direction of the lake so I could change without being seen by the scientists.

I quickly changed into a Haunter.

"Well let's go through the trees." We heading into the forest surrounding the lake and as we got around the scientists I popped my head out of the trees and saw the lake before me. "Quite the lake. So where would Azelf be?" I wondered out loud.

"Maybe an underwater cavern?" Umbreon wondered.

"Maybe I'll have to go and check. Just warn me if someone is coming through telepathy." She nodded once and I changed into a Vaporeon. I dove quickly into the water and down to the bottom. I took a look around and sure enough in the middle of the lake there was an underwater cavern that had an opening. I swam over to it and finally inside. The strange part though was the second I pasted through the entrance all the water disappeared. I landed on my feet and walked inside.

"Who goes there?!" A voice called out. I flinched a little and looked around.

"My name is Kat. I have only come here to see Azelf, the being of willpower. Is that you?" I asked.

"Kat? It can't be..." I froze at the recognition in the voice.

"You know me?" I asked.

"Are you a human?" It asked.


"Then it is. Kat, it's so good to see that you're alright. Mew really did protect you like we asked." A bright light appeared and when it disappeared a blue Pokemon was floating there.

"You're Azelf?" I asked.

"You don't remember me?" He asked. I shook my head no. I quickly changed back to a human form.

"I don't have any memories really of my time in Sinnoh but you said you told Mew to protect me so that must me you were my protector before I was sent to Kanto. But you said "we" does that mean Mespirit and Uxie also protected me?" He nodded.

"The three lake Pokemon were the ones who were meant to protect you from the one you call father. But we failed...and it seems you have developed amnesia. Maybe if we go to Uxie then he can give you back your memories." I frowned.

"I'm not sure I want them back." Azelf seemed shocked.


"Because I don't need them, I have made new memories and made new friends as well as regained some friendships from when I was here. I can remember what I want to but I don't need to be forced to remember things I don't want to." He nodded and then I remembered why I came here. "Right I came here to warn you."

"Warn me? Of what?"

"My father...he's planning to use you and the other lake beings to craft something called the Red Chain." Azelf froze.

"That idiot is planning to bring Palkia and Dialga here."

"Palkia and Dialga?"

"Yes Palkia is the being of space and Dialga is the being of time." I frowned.

"But what is he planning to do..." I wondered out loud.

"I'm not sure but if what you say is true then we need to go see Mespirit and Uxie." I nodded.

"Can you tell Mespirit and Uxie that I have two friends coming to warn them by the names of Paul and Gary." Azelf nodded and for a split second his eyes glowed before they went back to normal.

"They know now." I nodded and that's when I heard Umbreon's voice in my head.

Cyrus is here and there's something almost looks a bomb with him. You have to get out of there!

"We don't have time to waste. Can you teleport us to where Umbreon is?" I asked in a hurry and he seem to understand that we were in some sort of danger because he quickly teleported us into the trees by Umbreon so we could watch in horror as Cyrus destroyed the lake.

"My home..." Azelf muttered.

"Don't worry Azelf well restore your home to it natural beauty after we stop my father." He nodded and we headed away from the lake.

"Azelf I think it would be dangerous if people saw you so do you want to go invisible?" I asked and but he shook his head, landing in my arms.

"I want to be able to protect you this time like I was unable to do before." I nodded once and we head back towards Veilstone City.

"So we need to find Mespirit and Uxie, but if they come with Paul and Gary then we should all just meet up in Snowpoint City." Azelf nodded and we started walking towards Mt. Cornet.

We will stop my father's plans. I will stop him from destroying the world I love.

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