Dallas chunked the cigarette out my window. “Which way you goin’ out?” He asked.

I nodded at my door. “I’ll meet you at the corner.” I said walking to my door and opening it. “Close my window, will ya?” I asked shutting my door behind me.

I walked down to my living room and saw my mum, still sitting on the couch. “Hey, I’m gonna head over to the Curtis house.” I said.

My mum nodded. “Have fun, sweetie.” She said smiling at me.

I headed out the door and closed it. I jogged down my steps and turned left on the side walk. I saw Dallas a few yards ahead of me, so I jogged up to him. I crossed my arms and looked up at him.

Dallas had his hands in his jacket pockets. He looked over at me and nodded.

I nodded back at him, trying not to grin.

We walked in silence. We walked all the way over to the Curtis house without saying a word. I liked that, being able to walk with someone without talking. But having it feel right, you know?

We got up to the gate and Dallas opened it, and I followed, closing it behind me. I could hear music blasting in the house. I walked in behind Dallas and saw everyone look up at us, and smile.

“Eggs are in the kitchen!” I heard Ponyboy yell over the loud music.

I gave him the OK sign and walked into the kitchen. I saw a plate of eggs and a little piece of cake waiting for me. When I picked it up, I tapped my foot to the beat of Gloria from Them. I took the plate and headed to the dining room. I sat down so I could get a view of the TV, and again, Mickey Mouse was on.

Darry handed me a glass of chocolate milk and smiled at me. “Glad to see you’re here.”

I nodded and smiled back at him.

I took a few bites of my eggs, and looked around. I saw Two-Bit sitting in front of the TV with a beer, Ponyboy and Johnny on the sofa together, Dallas in a single chair smoking, Steve and Sodapop leaning against the wall chatting, and Darry cleaning up a bit. I smiled at this. These are my friends. They care about me. I finished off my food and cleaned up my dishes as usual.

It was about 1:00 pm now. The boys all headed outside to play football. I went outside with them. I laughed at how they played and joked around with each other. At one point Two-Bit threw me the football and chased me around to get it back.

After a while we just sat down on the grass and talked. It was full of jokes, laughs, and weird looks. I haven’t had this much fun in a while. When we got back inside I was about to freeze to death.

I sat down on the floor and took out my bun that was almost undone anyway. I felt my hair become wavy. After I felt warm, I got up. Sodapop walked up to me. “Hey, you wanna stay for dinner?” He asked.

I looked at the clock, and saw it was 9:30. I shook my head. “Nah, I need to head home. I’ll get skinned if I stay any longer.” I joked. “See you guys later!” I shouted. I got a series of byes from people.

I walked out and headed home. I walked slow, enjoying the stars and the moonlight. It was cold, yes, but it was beautiful at night.

I finally made it home, the gate was still open. I don’t even remember opening it. Maybe they just left it open from Friday. I opened the door and heard yelling.

My dad was standing up, with a bottle in his hand. My mum was on the couch crying. I slowly walked up. “You! Where the hell have you been?” My dad shouted.

“I was at a friend’s house.” I said, feeling my heart pound.

My dad waved me over. I took a few steps. “Who?” He asked. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Curtis.” I said, taking quick breaths.

My dad scrunched up his face. “You’re just runnin’ off to wherever the hell you want to lately! And I’m getting tired of it!” He said standing in front of me now, yelling in my face.

“Look, I’m sorry I have friends!” I shouted back.

My dad raised his fist and slung it across my lip. I stumbled back, holding my lip. When I straightened back up I felt another hit on my cheek. I caught my balance and pushed my dad. He took a few steps back, and he pushed me, hard. I fell and hit my head on the edge on the coffee table. I got up and grabbed a bottle on the table and threw it at him, and turned around and ran off.

I ran out the door, and saw it had started raining. I kept running. As I ran about a block I felt dizzy. I kept running, and slipping every now and then. I was wet, muddy, and bloody. I could feel the cut on my head scorching in pain. I made it to Bucks, I felt like I couldn’t run to the Curtis house. I felt like I was going to pass out.

I walked up the steps and banged on the door. Buck answered it with a smile, but his face turned pale. “What happened to you?” He asked.

I staggered past him. “Is Dallas here?” I asked, panting.

“Yeah, yeah he’s upstairs.” He said stuttering.

I headed up the stairs. I looked at the different rooms, not sure which was his. I smelt smoke from the far right, and headed towards that one.

I knocked on the door a few times, I wasn’t feeling too good.

The door swung open. “What?” Dallas opened the door, and looked at me. “What the fuck happened to you?” He asked, taking me by the arm and leading me into the room.

I sat down on the bed, and rubbed the cut on my forehead, I inhaled sharply. I looked down at my hand, it was covered in blood. “My dad got drunk and hit me and pushed me.” I said slowly.

Dallas had a furious look on his face. He walked to the bathroom in his room. He handed me a wet wash cloth. “Clean yourself up.”

I wiped away the blood from my face. I held it on my lap, I looked down. I felt my lips quivering, and I started to cry. I tried to keep it all it, but it all just came out. I covered my eyes with my hands and just cried. I hated my dad, and he hated me.

I felt someone rubbing my back, I looked up and saw Dallas rubbing my back. He was looking at the floor, he had a dangerous look on his face. He looked up at me. “It’s going to be okay…” He said softly. He got up and went to a dresser. He pulled out a large shirt and handed it to me. “Put this on, let your clothes dry off.” He said. He walked back and forth. He was his hands in a fist, he was shirtless too, so his muscles were poking out.

I walked into the bathroom and undressed, and put the shirt on. All I had on was the large shirt, my underwear and bra. I walked out and looked up at Dallas. I felt tired, my eyes were all puffy and my head hurt.

Dallas pulled back the covers on the bed. “You should get some rest. We’ll figure it all out tomorrow. No, I don’t care if you miss school.” He said.

I nodded, and crawled into the bed. I pulled the covers over me and looked at Dallas sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking hard.

I blinked a few times, and fell asleep.


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