Chapter 1: Frantic Start

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 Mission parameters: Survey a planet. Do not let inhabitants see the ship. Under no circumstances should they know they are being observed.

 What actually happened? The complete opposite.

 On the planet Nibiru, a highly active volcano was about to erupt. If it did, it would wipe out the planet. Captain James T. Kirk had suggested that we attempt to rescue the planet, rather than watch it burn. He stated that he and Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy would go down to the planet and get the inhabitants to chase them. They would lead them as far as they could away from the volcano. While this was happening, Commander Spock would suit up and go into the volcano, detonate a device that would completely freeze the volcano, and save the planet.

 I, Lieutenant Penny Lane, was ordered to go with Commander Spock and Lieutenant Sulu to the volcano. We all got into a shuttle craft and went out towards the volcano. I was helping Spock get suited up when Kirk's voice came out in the shuttle.

"Kirk to Shuttle One. Locals are out of the kill zone. You are clear. Repeat. Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here!"

 The small shuttle was shaking from the heat. Mr. Sulu was the one to complain first. "We have to do this now!" He shouted. "I told the Captain the shuttle wasn't built for this kind of heat!"

 Spock and I stumbled in unison as I tried to get his suit ready. "Captain," Spock said, "Did the indigenous life forms see you?"

 "No, Mr. Spock, they did not," Kirk answered.

 Spock was not convinced. "The Prime Directive clearly states there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations," He said. I shook my head and grinned.

 "I know what it says!" Kirk yelled. "Which is why I'm running through the jungle wearing a disguise! Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go! Kirk out!!"

 I stared into Spock's eyes as I completed his suit. "You're good," I said. He nodded and bent down to the device to make sure everything was in place.

 "If we're gonna do this, we need to do it now!" Sulu said. "This ash is killing our coils!"

 I put Spock's helmet on his head. Worry was emitting from him, and I knew he could sense worry from me as well. I looked deep into his eyes, as if telling him it would be okay. I decided to lighten the mood with a joke. "Are you sure you don't want me to go instead?" I said with a smirk on my face.

 Spock looked at me with a confused expression. "That would be highly illogical as I am alrady outfitted-"

 "Spock," I interrupted, "I was kidding." I kissed his helmet visor. "You got this."

 Sulu interrupted the moment. "Guys!" He yelled, "We have to go! Now!"

  "I'll see you in 90 seconds," I said. I gave a worried smile and darted towards the control panel. Spock reached up and grabbed a device. He pulled it down and hooked it to his suit. This device was hooked to a wire, which was hooked to the shuttle. This was how we were to lower him down.

 I looked behind me and met Spock's gaze. Our stare was full of worry and anxiety. You better be back safe, Spock.

 "Do it, do it!" Sulu growled. And with one last pleading look, I pulled the lever. Spock fell through the floor, and the floor closed behind him. All that was there, was the noise of his connector, indicating that he was descending deeper into the volcano.

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