Chapter 1

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Here it is guys. Sorry that it took so long. Anyways, this chapter is somewhat dark. I'm not satisfied with it as much as I should be and that's why it took so long to make it's presence. Still, I hope you guys enjoy it! 

Not at all edited. Legit, I didn't even read through it. 

I walked into the dead club and walked to the front. My eyes were hardened into steel while my face remained a blank canvas, void of any emotions. I walked forward, my heels silent for once, and nodded my head at Leo.

"Is Ezekiel in today?" I asked him, going behind the bar. I grabbed a bottle of Everclear off the shelf and looked at Leo.

Leo shook his head, wiping the counter. "He'll be in tomorrow though."

I cursed under my breath.

Leo looked at me, an uncertain look in his eyes. He opened his mouth but then snapped it shut, looking away from me. He sighed.

Clearly there was something on his mind but he was afraid to speak up.

I raised my eyebrows up at him and leaned my body against the counter. "What is it?"

His eyes met mine for a quick second before they reverted back to the counter. He shook his head. "It's nothing."

"Leo," I said in a warning voice.

He placed the rag down. He grabbed the edge of the counter, putting all of his weight on it. His jaws clenched.

"Are you," he paused and closed his eyes, "are you going down there?"

I laughed. "Of course I am."

He gulped. "Are you going to torture him?"

I looked at Leo. My face still void of any emotion. "Yes."

"Is this how we're living from now on?" his voice broke half-way.

I clenched my fist and nodded. "This is the life you chose Leo. You had the chance to get away from it but you didn't. Now, you pay the price."

He nodded his head and picked up the rag again. He didn't say anything after that. He acted as if I didn't exist.

I rolled my eyes and turned my back. Holding the bottle of Everclear in my hand, I began to walk towards Ezekiel's office.

"You're back into training tomorrow." I said. "You've become too soft. If you want to live to the next day, you'll change that."

Leo inhaled sharply but he didn't try to go against my orders. He knew the heavy consequence of that. "Alright."

"You know I don't want to do this to you but you chose this life Leo. No one forced you into it. It's ride or die." I snapped my head towards him and smirked. "I hope you made the right decision."

Leo leaned against the bar, a frown on his face. "I don't know if I made the right decision back then. I can't do what you do, Izzie. That's another human being."

The smirk was wiped off my face. I glared at Leo and slammed the bottle down on the nearest table.

Leo jumped and looked at me, fear flashing through his eyes. "Izzie,"

"That man in there is not a human being. He is a sick bastard who is greedy for money, power, and sex. He raped and killed countless people. I'm doing this world a favor." I clenched my fist and told myself to calm down.

Leo shook his head. "By torturing him?"

"Don't question me Leo. You're getting on my last nerve."

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