"Please Moon Goddess.. please dont let me be pregnant." I closed my eyes as a tear fell.. sliding down my cheek. I felt so alone in this though i had a few people to talk to.. i couldn't. Everyone had enough problems without adding my burden to the list. I had to do this on my own. The mark on my neck signified i had a mate to care for me... but he was busy caring for his unborn pup's vessel.. i was lying if i said i wasnt jealous.

Scanning the map, i noted the packs with stars. And the ones i had put an X through..

There's no way i could accept Conrad's offer.. to be his Luna. I didnt feel good about it and my wolf would hate me for it.. Zaryn would feel pain from it and no matter how much he hurt me... i couldn't do that. Especially if i were pregnant. Im not that wolf. Im still young.. i have my life ahead of me.. i can change my life.. be who i want..

The alarm sounded, signaling the trials were about to start and i froze.. panic rising inside of me. Id be happy to see Anita go.. she had long been shadowed in the darkness and the moon was serving up her punishment for it... but Deacon. He's done nothing wrong. It was Grace and Anita who had put him through this..

He didnt deserve to suffer for this.

I dreaded seeing his face up there on that stage that awaited for him.


Running down the dirt road, the night air becoming cooler as the clock ticked.. fall now here.. ready to do her work and change the leaves, leaving trees naked and bare like decrepit arms and branches for fingers that seemed as if they were clawing their way out of the ground..

The glowing embers from the bonfire that had been lit, floated up into the atmosohere as my legs carried me as quick as they could to the massive gathering of every pack member minus the pups. This would be something of nightmares.

My breath ragged as i entered the throng of present wolves, some still walking up, gathering near a makeshift stage, a bonfire to the other side closest to the lake. It seemed like an ordinary bonfire.. just no music.. no laughing and dancing.

I stood on tip toes, peering over heads as i craned my neck. Anita and Deacon weren't on stage yet. Breathing out a sigh of relief, i scanned the crowed once more.. searching for my family and my one true friend..

Moving through the large gathering of boisterous wolves, i finally found my mom and dad near the front of the stage. Dad held mom in a protective manner that made me smile but at the same time sent a pang of jealousy through me, knowing I would never experience that feeling. Not with my mate.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted over the commotion of wolves who hooted and hollered. A joyous celebration for them all... witnessing the demise of a traitor.

"Nova!" My dad called for me, both my parents motioning for me to come to them. Moving through the crowd, i finally reached my parents, flinging myself into my dads awaiting arms.. his familiar scent calming me.

Mom put her arms around me as well. All three of us hugging. It made me smile brightly... my parents had made up and now things were better between them.. i know that my dad still hurt over Nic not being his though. He's a forgiving wolf.. yet he has yet to truly forgive Blake.

I couldn't help the fear that stuck within me.. a lump lodged in my throat at the thought of Deacon being pulled on that stage soon.

"Are you okay princess?" My dad's deep voice rumbled from his chest into my ear. Peering up, i glanced between the two of them.

"Deacon shouldn't be up there dad." I whispered, my eyes blurring.

If i could get him out of this without taking him far away, i would try my best.

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