Nov. 30: Zoe

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"His name is Chase." The girl from the car says and jumps into one of the ambulances as Chase's closes the door. I nod thankfully and rush to find Aiden before it pulls away. I find him in the arms of a stranger bawling, and somehow I can't bring myself to cry or to mourn. It hasn't hit me yet.

"I have to go, I helped that boy, I need to see if he's ok." I tell Aiden, hoping he heard. I look at the man holding him and he nods for me to go. I trust him though I don't know him, so I leave and run to my car. I struggle to get my keys into the engine and start it but once I do I rush to the nearest hospital where I assume Chase will be. My hands stick to the steering wheel and it's only then that I notice the blood. I gag but remember to focus on the road and push the thought away.

I park as fast as I can and run from my car into the hospital. As the doors slide open to reveal the front desk the woman at the front desk gasps. I look down at me hands and see the blood had dripped down my wrists. Between that and my bloodshot eyes I probably look like a crazy ax murderer. She runs from behind the desk and gives me a once over before helping me to the restrooms to clean off my hands.

"Use lots of soap, and don't touch your face for a while." She advises and leaves me be as I scrub harder than ever before. I dig my nails into my skin and it begins to come off. The warm water starts to burn my hands but I don't care, as long as the blood comes off. once the blood is off I find myself wondering why I am here. Then I remember his face as he fell from the car, the pained expression as he hit the ground, the glass digging farther into his legs. He groaned in agony as I put pressure on the many wounds. I tried to save him, and I just want to know if I did.

A part of me says that it will make me morally even, I killed one person today, so therefore I have to save one too. I look in the mirror and see myself for the first time since this morning and, God, do I look different. My nervous tendencies have flown out the window only to be replaced by determination. I'm determined to not think of Chl- Her. I can't even think of her name. Just in the past few hours I feel like I've aged beyond my years. I leave the bathroom but the girl looking back at me lingers, I'm still Zoe, but I'm different and I'm not sure if it's for the better, yet.

The same nurse from earlier is seated behind the desk once again and I walk over to her ready to ask about Chase. I need to see him. she looks up at me after finishing typing her last sentence on the computer. Her eyes are filled with pity as soon as she sees me. I try to manage a kind smile before sputtering out my answer but I can't and I don't feel bad about it.

"Where is Chase..." I pause to remember what that girl said. "Makey?" I question his last name, not knowing for sure.

"Are you related to him?" I shake my head after a moment of preparing to lie. "I'm sorry but I can't let you know anything about his situation."

"But, I'm the one who saved him." Well, I hope I saved him...

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you what his situation is." she darts her eyes around quickly scanning the room. "But I can tell you his recovery room number." She says quietly as she leans over the counter.

"Please." I ask and lean closer to her, summoning tears if she's going to question this action, maybe get some sympathy.

"Room 314." She says and waves me away. I nod in thanks and rush down the halls, I pass by rooms quickly. 117, 118, I'm going the right way, I think. Some people give me warning glances as I speed past them but my racing heart tells me not to slow, I need to see him. 209, 208, I think I'm lost. I stop and take a deep breath. I need to know that I saved him. I turn to the right and hope I'm getting closer, not bothering to ask directions or look at the useless signs. 301, 302, I stop and look again room 301 then 302. I power walk down the hall just as a stretcher pulls around a corner at the end of the hall.

The Sequence of Fate {NaNoWriMo2013} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now