Nov. 6: Natalie Fuller

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“Ok Mathew, mommy has to go to work now.” I tell my two year old as I put him into his play pen. He goo-goo’s and I kiss his forehead. Straightening out my skirt I sigh and my little girl comes barreling down the stairs in her princess PJs. “Macy, you’re supposed to be sleeping…” She stops at the bottom of the stairs and smiles widely, slowing off her toothless grin.

“Mommy, I lost another tooth!” She yells.

“Really?” I lean down and check. “Wow, both your front teeth. I know what you’ll ask for Christmas.” I joke but she doesn’t get it yet.

“I’m going to put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy.”

“Ok, sweetie.” I smile as she runs back up the stairs into her room. I sneak into my room and see my husband sleeping peacefully in the dark, I’d wake him nicely but today is very important and I’m already running late. So I flip on the light and he groans.

“Why?” He covers himself childishly with my pillow. “5 minutes.”

“Jeremy, I have to go to work, you have to get up and watch the kids.” Slowly he rises from the bed and walks over to me. Kissing me on the forehead sleepily he smiles.

“Today’s the big day.” He states and I nod. He gives me hug and kiss softly.

“I really have to go.” I pull away from him. “I fed Matthew and left him in the playpen. Macy just got up and she lost a tooth, you have fairy duty tonight.” He smirks. “And I left the dishwasher running; you’ll have to unload it.” I think of what else I usually do when he’s not here. “Oh, and I did laundry, I need you to fold it when it’s out of the dryer. Don’t forget to give Macy her vitamins and-” He places a finger on my lips and I shut up.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” I take a deep breath and kiss him.

“I love you.” I tell him and run out the door, briefcase and keys in hand.

“Love you!” He calls out the door as I start the car. He blows a kiss and watches me pull out of the driveway. I’m on the road early, the sun has barely risen. Mentally I calculate how fast I need to go in order to get to the office in time. My briefcase wobbles in the seat next to me and I watch it hoping it doesn’t fall. I turn into the parking lot 5 minutes early and smile victoriously, but it’s crushed when the briefcase falls onto the ground, spilling papers out.

Lucky for me I remembered to put paper clips on everything, so it stayed neat and orderly after I unceremoniously shoved all the papers back from where they came. Speed walking into the building I show the security guard my ID pinned to my skirt. He nods as I pass and I start to fix my skirt, making sure the wrinkles from sitting down are minimal. I pull open the door to the meeting and 10 or so business men sit around a conference table. I take my seat to the end of the table farthest from the screen and pull out my notes, papers and anything I’ll need for the day.

Soon a younger man enters in a suit and red tie. “Happy Friday everyone.” A few of the men smile and repeat the phrase back and others sit quietly, ready to start. He nods and passes out a packet. “This is what I’m proposing for you.” He smiles. “See what I did there, ‘Proposing.’”  Then he looks at our confused faces. “Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ash Lockley, Diamond salesman and entrepreneur.” Suddenly it clicks for the men and they chuckle.

“Proposing, as in rings. Funny.” He remarks and I smile.

“Anyways, I sell rings, and this is my proposal for you fine lady and gentlemen.” I pick up the packet, it’s weighty, and I can only think of the tree it took to make this professional looking packet. “I have a store just downtown at the Hale Beachfront Shopping Center. As you can appropriately assume I need assistance from your Multi-Million dollar company. I need a company that will invest with me.” I look through the packet and listen with half an ear. His info says his not struggling, in fact his business is soaring. I’m impressed, this is a hard business to get into and to be successful is even harder.

The Sequence of Fate {NaNoWriMo2013} (completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu