Nov. 4: Jake Westra (Part one)

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Her brown hair fanned out on the pillow like waves on the beach. I kiss her neck and she moans, slowly I bite into her collarbone and she weaves her fingers in my hair. I move back up to her face and cup it with my large hands. Her striking green eyes look up at me, innocence floats in her eyes and it turns me on. Her pale skin dotted with freckles. I lean down and kiss her lips, so soft and tender. She kisses back and runs her fingers down my bare back. I close my eyes as she releases me from the kiss.

“I love you Jake.” I open my eyes and see two blue ones looking back at me, The girl laying under me is no longer Ella, but Abby. Her blue eyes dig into me and I groan with pleasure.

“I love you Abby.” I kiss her and again the girl in front of me changes. “Ella,” I say her name sweetly and soft. She smiles for a second and strokes my cheek.

“You can’t love us both.” She says quietly before looking away.

I open my eyes to the dark bedroom and look around the room. I take deep breaths, it’s just a dream. I rub my hand over my face and block out the dream. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and walk over to the bathroom; maybe a shower will wipe these thoughts out of my head. But as soon as the warm water hits me I go deep in thought.  I pour some of my shampoo in my hands and rub them together, the smell invades my nose and reminds me of the days when Abby and I used to “Date” One time she joined me in the shower, the scent of the shampoo reminds me how I massaged her scalp, cleaning her. It was a romantic gesture but neither one of us wanted to get into that kind of relationship. I rinse the shampoo from my hair.

Abby is smart, but in an evil kind of way. She plots and plans to get to the top. Now that she’s there she just pushes everyone down, and away. Except Chase, he’s always around her. Of course he is, they’re dating. I scoff at my conscious telling me off.

Ella is different, opposite of Abby.  She sweet and innocent, before she met me she was just another nerd. I’ve changed her, thanks to the bet. Something inside me churns at the thought of the bet. Even though I’ve called it off I feel like it will haunt me for ages. Oh god, what if I end up marrying her, and she asks “Why me” I can’t just say “Chase randomly picked you in the crowd for me to deflower you.” It sounds weird but I do picture a future with her… and sometimes Abby.

I get out of the shower and walk around my room still contemplating my dream. I think I’m trying to tell myself to choose, I’m still so hung up on Abby but I’m dating Ella. A horn honking outside my window breaks through my thoughts I open the shades and see the girl I’ve been dreaming of, Abby. She smiles then quickly covers her eyes. I look down and shrug at my nakedness. I wave to her and she waves back smirking. Something in my head reminds me of what she said yesterday. “If the sun is shining we are going to the beach.” I wink at her and close the shades as I scurry around my room trying to find swim pants and a shirt.

Not even a minute later I’m dressed and trotting out the door swim trunks in hand, she smiles and I wave.

“Hey Abby, thanks for giving me a heads up.” I joke and I hop into the car, passengers seat, but decide against it since Chase will be coming, this is his seat. So I jump in the back instead.

            “I told you yesterday, ‘if the sun is out we are going to the beach’ is that not enough for you?”  I shake my head and chuckles as she backs out.

            “Nothing is ever enough for me.” I say and want to take it back as I see her frown, but only for a moment. I decide to make her think I didn’t notice so I look at the sky and raises my hands to the wind before letting out a wolf howl of enjoyment. She laughs before joining me in my howling. It’s moments like this when I’d pick her over Ella.

The Sequence of Fate {NaNoWriMo2013} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now