Nov. 5: Jake Westra (Part Two)

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Her nails drag on my skin as she pulls the shorts down, down, down. They reach my ankles and I wrap my arms around her, slowly raising my fingers to the string holding her bikini, her top loosens and floats to the surface. Just under the water is what every hormonal teenage boy craves, but I don’t look. Of all times my mind decides to wander, continuing to compare the two girls. So I look down, Abby’s are bigger. She attaches her lips to my neck and I groan unconsciously. Ella licks my jaw then blows on it sending a tingle through me. Ella has one or two tricks in bed, this is one of them. Abby has many tricks, many ways to get me to break first. She likes it better when she’s the last one, something to do with power.

“PDA!” Abby calls from the beach and I sigh half in relief and half in disappointment. Ella releases my and quickly ties up her top, leaving me in the water. I pull up my shorts and wonder how it would have gone If that were me and Abby.

Slowly I exit the water and meet Ella by the towel. I grab her beach bag and she kisses me softly before we join the rest of the group going up the stairs to the car. I look back at Chase and he motions for me to come back.

“I’ll be right back babe.” I tell Ella and kiss her cheek. I jump down the stairs and Chase stares me down, this can’t be good.


“Chase.” I respond.

“Don’t think I don’t notice the way you look at her.” I gulp, is it that obvious I’m looking at Abby?

“It’s just a phase.” I assure him and he shakes his head.

“It’s just a phase? That’s not right.” He shakes his head. “I mean you’re dating her, you should like her.” Wait, what? “Ella’s a great girl, I’m glad I picked her for you.” He pats my back and walks to the car, leaving me confused. I walk up the stairs and when I reach the car sluggishly I fall in next to Ella. She strokes my cheek and I kiss her as we pull back onto the street. Abby and Chase kiss in the front seat and the only feeling I have is jealousy, though I should have concern for my safety and she turns onto the main strip of road, still kissing him.

I distract myself in Ella’s mouth, looking into her eyes, and holding her. Ella. Ella. Ella.

“I hate you!” The words pull me from my distraction and I look at the girl who said it. Black hair flowing behind her as she runs across the street in a blind fury. The girl she was talking to stands shocked in the safety of the sidewalk. Then her eyes bulge open, alert and I look in front of us before a crunching thud stops the car. Oh god, we hit her.

“CHLOE!” The girl on the sidewalk screams, frozen in her place. Alex braces herself next to me and Ella watches in terror and her blood spills onto the hood of the car, she slides down the hood, weakly grapping the hood to hold her up. Suddenly Abby and Chase’s air bags go off and I realize my lack of seatbelt. I look down to strap in, instinct I guess. Then I look up and see my last moments as and other car flies over us, the engine skims my face and I cry out. Gravity pulls it back to earth and it lands. It lands on Alex. Blood splatters all over my face, as if it wasn’t covered enough by my own oozing blood. I pull my fingers weakly to my face, they’re blurry. Slowly I touch my face red blood drips onto my fingers and I scream feeling my face, the pain is unbearable, mentally I check off body parts.

Ears, check. Everything feels like I’m losing it. Eyes, check. It’s all blurry, I’m losing too much blood, but where is it coming from? Lips, check. The soft feeling lingers under all the blood, something in me brings back memories of kissing her, Ella, Abby. I slide my fingers up and my breathing stops. Nose. I feel again, I’m numbing my fingers glide across my face, searching. Nose, not check. I breath heavily and blood falls into my mouth. I turn to Ella, unscratched, She’s untouched except for Alex’s blood and my own. She screams and my ears ring.

“Jake. Your nose.” It’s gone and I feel myself fading. My eyelids droop and Ella unfreezes. “Jake.” She pleads. “Stay with me.” I lose myself to the pain drowning me. “Jake, please.” My seat belt holds me upright but I slouch lower into the seat, feeling weak. “Stay awake.” Abby turns around in her seat and sees Alex first, she covers her mouth in shock. Then she looks at me.

“Jake…” Her voice fades and the last thing I see are her blue eyes.


TOTAL: 11,680/50,000

A/N I wasn't really feelin up for this one, I wasn't in the steamy mood, so I just didn't write it, it still fits with the story though so I'll stick with it. It's short, I know, but I wrote almost a whole other chapter this morning in school because of my lack of steamyness. so now you have this! I will post the othe chapter later, I'm currently doing #writeclub on twitter so hopefully I will finish the next chapter tonight!

So yup, that's all. 

OH! Reminder, if you share this story and get someone to read this story and comment, tell me and I'll fan you (If I haven't already) and do other cool stuff, more info on last chapter A/N 


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