Nov. 12: No one.... For shame...

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So again, I apologize. This week has been hard. Yesterday I managed to scrape together my pitiful chapter, Ash's POV was supposed to be the connector between a few of the furture POV's but I fail epically and will be re-writing it in December. As for my excuses of the day here you go:

Yesterday I had a huge test in MATH, it was aweful. So the night before I was up late studying. then I got to school and started to get *Cough* cramps* Cough* and they hurt so bad. I had to finish the test though, so I suffered for three hours before the test. just before the test I developed a migrane. I have never had a headache so strong before. But I HAD to finish the test. I felt nauseous and I almost threw up. I finally finished the test and asked to leave the class. she said yes and I ran to the bathrooms where I threw up. A security gaurd escorted me o the nurse before I decided it was a good time to passs out. 

upon waking up I had realized 2 things:

1. I had a migrane, that caused quite a scene.

and 2. I had barely writtten a thing for a day, and I had already missed SATURDAY. So I left school early. took a nice long nap and woke up with just enough time to write a measly 800 words, on top of the 1,000 frm the morning. 

Then today I had yet another test, 2 acctually. And when I got home tonight, fully prepared to write I get a text from my friend telling me my 8-page essay is due... TOMORROW. So I had to finish that, and now that I've done that I'm too far drained to even think of writing a chapter. So wish me luck tomorrow as I attempt to turn in my paper and write a chapter. I hope for your sake it's a good and long one.

Thanks for sticking with me. 


The Sequence of Fate {NaNoWriMo2013} (completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora