Nov. 30: Abby

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Ambulance doors close around me and I panic inside, nothing shows on the outside. I'm screaming but no one can hear me. The pain aches my very soul and all I want is to be dead, but I fight the pain and focus on opening my eyes, I need to see what's happening. With all the strength I have I pull open one eyelid, for just a moment. Ella's blood splattered face looms over me, fear in her eyes. I close my eyes and wonder how much of that blood is mine. As soon as I've closed my eyes the pain takes command and shows me where I hurt the worst. My head throbs, and I feel like throwing up as I imagine what could have happened to my head. My arms burn and I feel the blood trickling out, probably staining the floor, if it wasn't already. My legs are a mix between numb and unbearable pain, I can't tell which is which as I fade deeper out of consciousness.

I hear the door open and then a gasping noise as someone jump onto the pavement. My stretcher is taken inside quickly and I want to wake up, tell them I'm awake and can hear them. But I can't and they pull me down the hall, and another until we reach what I can only assume is an operating room. Tools clanks around and they run a colder substance on my legs, before my eyes burst open and I scream.

Metal clangs to the ground and I see a large piece of glass covered in blood hovering just above my leg. "Shit." The doctor holding the glass shard in his grip looks at me with wide eyes. "Somebody put her to sleep." He says and blood drips onto the floor. My breathing hitches as they cover my mouth with a mask. I'm out in ten seconds tops.

But the medicine wears off and again I hear them. "The last stitch is in." A female voice says and someone grunts in acknowledgement. I feel it as they wrap up my arm and wonder what is next. Will they cut me open? Put in more stitches? I just want to wake up. "Looks like we are done here." I want to sigh in relief but no sound comes out, but the feeling is still there and I welcome it. "Take her to a recovery room then call her mother in." My mom is here? My insides twist in anticipation, for once I'm happy to see her. I just want everything to go back to normal, but I know that won't happen, not with Alex and Jake dead.

The stretcher stops moving and I'm left alone, or so I think. The soft beep of the heart monitor keeps me aware as I listen for anything. Soon enough I'm joined by another set of lungs, breathing in and out steadily. My mother takes my hand in her and kisses it softly.

"Oh, Abby." She sighs and I relish in her voice, it calms me just knowing she's here. "The doctors said you'd be fine in a few weeks, stitches out and everything." She pauses and rubs her thumb over my palm, it tickles and if I were truly awake right now I'd fight a smile. "You're pretty beat up, honey. 48 stitches in your head, legs and arm. They told me you hit the airbag first, that's what saved you. Then the windshield is what did the most damage. You had two pieces of glass in your legs." She pauses again and I wonder what she's thinking. Does she know I can hear her? Does she think she's going crazy talking to an unconscious daughter? I would.

She doesn't speak for a very long time and I wonder when I will wake up again, already images of the crash float to the surface of my mind. Chase passed out against the dash, Alex smashed in the back, and Jake his face un recognizable. I remember his last glance alive was at me, looking into my eyes and I know that he loved me. But it's too late now. Ella held onto his body and I fell into the darkness. I refuse to remember the girl on the hood. It stays in my memory though.

My mother's hand finally leave mine and I miss her touch. My eyes slowly open and I look for her figure in the room. The white walls are distracting and I see the four empty chairs. My throat is sore and dry but I try it anyways.

"Mom?" I ask softly and my voice sounds like a frog. She emerges back into the room moments later and rushes to my side.

"Do you need water?" I nod and she leaves the room, then comes back as fast as I've ever seen. "There you go." She hands me the water and I slowly grabs for it, but pull back when I see my arm covered in a gauze. "I'll help you." she brings the cup to my mouth and I sip slowly, the water wetting my tongue and throat. She pulls it away and I smile slightly.

The Sequence of Fate {NaNoWriMo2013} (completed)Where stories live. Discover now