Nov. 15: Nick Granger

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Slowly I sit up in my race car bed and scratch my head wondering why I’m up so early. I guess that means I get to take a nap later! I hop out of bet and slip my feet into my Transformer’s slippers before jumping down the stairs, alerting the rest of the house of my awakening. I walk to the kitchen a reach up for the refrigerator door, pulling it back with all my might and it swings open. But before I can search the inside for food my mom joins me in the kitchen.

“Nick, it’s too early for you to wake up.”

“I know mommy but I want to eat.” I say and she smiles before leaning down to pick me up, she grunts.

“You are getting so big, little man.” She kisses my cheek. “I can’t believe you’ll be 5 soon.” She says and grabs the cereal from the pantry. Soon she sets me on the ground again and I watch her fix me some cereal. I anxiously sit at the table as she brings the bowl over to me. Tiredly she sits down and I eat my cereal. She watches me with a smile and rests her head in her hand.

I finish and push the bowl away, she takes the bowl and I follow her to the kitchen. “I’ve got an idea.” She says and leans down to me. “We should call your sister.” I smile and nod, my sister is really old, like 20 years old. She lives with her boyfriend, mommy doesn’t like that but she let her go anyways.

My mom returns with a cell phone and I stand near her as she puts it on speaker phone. She picks up after it rings a few times, too many for me to count though.

“Hi, Honey.” My mom says and I smile.

“Hey, mom. I’m just heading to dance, what’s up?”  She says and I hear the car running.

“Nick and I just wanted to say hello and ask how you are.”

“I’m great, and Hi Nick!” she says to me and I open my mouth to scream ‘hi’ back but my mom gives me a warning look.

“Hi Skyler, how is your boyfriend?” I ask and mom gives me another look before rolling her eyes, she really doesn’t like Skyler’s boyfriend.

“He’s great, thanks for asking, kiddo.” She says and I can almost feel her hand ruffling my hair like she usually does, I don’t like it.

“How is dance?” Mom says to pull us off the topic of the boy.

“It’s great we are learning a new routine, you should come over next week to see it.” She pinches the bridge of her nose.

“Come over to your apartment?”

“Yeah.” Sky’s voice hollows. “Never mind.”

“No, we’ll come, all of us. It’s been so long since we’ve seen you… And Connor.”

“Really?” She is shocked, I am too. Sky usually comes here, without Connor.

“Yeah, maybe for dinner or something.”

“Wow, Thanks mom, that means a lot.” She says and Mom smiles slightly.

“Well, I’m here so I got to go. I’ll call you later?”

“Ok, love you Sky.” I add in a goodbye and so does mom before she hangs up and takes a deep breath.

“Let’s go to the park.” She says and I nod rapidly. “Go get dressed, little man.” She says and pats my shoulder as I run to my room. I pull on my pants and a blue t-shirt, then some cool light up shoes. Running back down the stairs I plop onto the couch waiting on mommy to be ready. I squirm in my seat and wait for her.

A really, really long time later she comes out of her bed room and smiles.

“Ready to go?” I nod eagerly and she leads me to the car. After strapping me into my car seat I look at the time, one, and one… eleven! I smile and mom turns up the radio.

The Sequence of Fate {NaNoWriMo2013} (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora