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The first thing Tikum felt when he woke up was pain, the kind that clawed all through out his body as every fiber of muscle screamed in agony and every bone wailed for a short respite. He couldn't even open his eyes right away. With all the effort it would take, he'd rather prefer the darkness. But then, came the suffocating sensation of a man drowning. It spread its iron hold on him and it wouldn't let go. It made him gasped for air and he greedily fought for every breath he could take in the darkness in between unconsciousness and waking. He tried to remember how he got here, but everything was a blur. What had happened? he thought. He couldn't answer and his head ached like hell. Then panic wrapped around his heart as the awful sensation filled his empty lungs. Air. Tikum needed air. He groggily opened his eyes wide, only to see Amburukay's pearl white face in front of him, illuminated by the pale dawn's light.

She gave Tikum a scarlet smile as her blackened finger gained a better stranglehold on his neck, dangling him over the edge of the crag. "You can't fool me with a simple distraction, dog."

"Still worth trying," Tikum said as he tried to free himself in between his struggle for air.

"I'm not a mere wench. I'm not like our master Kihod. You can't just trick me with your silly traps. Those things never worked on me. And lest you forget, I'm still the Lady of the Darkest Night and you should know that by now."

"Cute nickname... Don't worry... I didn't forget," Tikum said, wincing. "Even if you drop my head again." He tried to open his swollen left eye, but decided not to bother after lightning pain crossed it.

"Oh, I won't let you," Amburukay said, relishing the moment. "Cause I'll brand it on your thick skull, instead."

For a cold second Tikum was silent, letting her hate wash through him like a wave. Then, he cleared his throat. "You know you could still release us, Amburukay."

Tikum halted his struggle against the witch's hold. He simply wasn't strong enough. He contented himself with holding her arm with both his hands to support his weight and ease the pressure on his neck. "You can do it for Ukok. Set us free! It's not too late."

"Audacious as ever." She looked at the child on her other arm and for a breath she paused. "You were always too clever for you own sake, Tikum."

"Why not?" He cleared his throat, he had to buy himself some time. He needed to keep her talking. It was that, or death which was a less kinder option. "At least, tell me why you're taking Ukok from me, Ambu?"

"Yes." Amburukay's expression changed as she heard her name. It brought back memories she did not want. "Why... why did we have to come to this god-awful mess, Tikum?" she said, her words soft and broken. Perhaps, it was regret. Or maybe something else. She strained her arm. "Why... why did you ruin all my plans? One more step and you could've easily ruled half the archipelago with me. It was for us. All I did."

"For Ukok too!? You get funnier by the breath."

"We had the same enemy!" Amburukay sighed deeply. "What you did to master Kihod was understandable. I would've done it myself. For gods' sake... he was mad. He deserved every pain. But what you did to me... You took the most important person in my life– the only thing that mattered. I told you I would never hurt her!"

"Lies... twisted words... You placed her in grave danger, Ambu. And you did it for one stupid thing. You'll never hurt her again."

"Hurt her? Never! Not in this lifetime or the next. Ukok is my everything!" Her eyes narrowed, a subtle change that cued Tikum that Ambu may have already realized that he was just buying time. "Enough of this. For so long I have been hounded by one question. Since you look like you're not going anywhere. Answer me, now! Why did you do it? Of all people... I trusted you. Tell me! Now, Tikum!" she said, hate sewn in between her words.

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