Chapter 10: Back to you

Start from the beginning

" WHO SAID STOP WORKING?" Bellamy shouts at the people surrounding his return but they all laugh and the group splits. All he needs to do now, is find Clarke.


Clarke had been struggling more recently, none of it even seems real. Normally, she'd have Bellamy to lean on or to tell her to have a break. But, it's not the same without him ; it's draining the life out of her.

" That can't be another fight." Clarke huffs to herself as she looks out to the crowd blocking her sight from something that everyone finds so interesting. She doesn't give it a second thought and turns her back to the flap acting as a door. When she hears footsteps on the metal,come into medical: she's so done.

" Can't I have 5minutes." She mumbles, not really giving a fuck to who it is: she can't even be bothered to face them," All I ask."

" Well that's a bit rude, princess." Her heart stops. The sound of the old nickname drilling open past memories: she's hallucinating and dreaming because there's no way he's alive. That he's actually hear. Is there?

Of course it wasn't. Clarke you saw the whole thing, there's no way in hell he would have survived that...but that voice sounded so real- No Clarke. It's just your mind.

" This isn't funny." Clarke says to herself as she continues to work tirelessly

" It wasn't meant to be." She closes her eyes: her mind isn't that strong

She drops the syringes and turns around to face the one thing she dreads. When she does, he's standing there-looking ever so smugly- and leaning on one of the walls.
Their eyes meet and time stops; she doesn't know what to fell, what should she feel?
Obviously, she's happy he's alive- well, she's damn right alive now but he left her. How could she go one, she barely managed a week.

" Hey princess." He speaks quietly and all her meaningless anger floats away.

Her heart tells her to go to him, to touch him just to make sure he's real. She wants him to hold her and make her feel safe: she wants the only person she trusts in the world to protect her. But her feet say no. They won't let her move. She's paralyzed, just standing and staring in awe at him

" A reply would be nice." He jokes as Clarke stares at him; she sighs- not realizing she's been holding her breath the entire time. Her feet are no longer plastered to the ground either, so she's moving.

It seems like he's thousands of miles away from her, every step she takes he takes two back- until she's standing before him, inches apart. As tears gloss in her eyes, her opens her mouth to say something but he beats her to it, again. Her gaze meets his expectantly but he doesn't say anything. Clarke dives her arms around his neck, squeezing tightly as she holds onto him, burying her face into his chest. He stumbles back a little before regaining his balance as a smile, a real smile, creeps over his lips at the sight of the girl clutching him. Slowing, he bring is his arms around her waist, keeping a firm hold on her as his tears soak into her shoulder. The smell of her hair, welcomes him as he keeps her in a lock, not wanting to let her go. Clarke's face, had also become wet with tears as she cries into his shoulder, trying to get words to exit her mouth but miserably failing. They're a mess but when they're together they don't feel alone or like the world is sitting on their shoulders. They balance each other out. And now Clarke, can stop slowing killing herself. As they pull apart and their arms returning to their sides, both of them smile but Clarke's disappears first.

" You were dead." She whispers," How'd you get out?" She asks him, worryingly

" It's a mystery."

" Bellamy, I'm seriously what did you- oh my god your leg." She stutters at the gallons of blood staining his pants

" Relax, I just got a little shot."

" How long has it been like this?" She rushes as she comes back with piles and piles on medicine.

" Slow down Clarke. I cleaned it."

" With what? Blood." She replies sarcastically," Sit." She orders as he listens to her and sits on the table pulling his legs over it also," Your an idiot." She says angrily, wiping her tears away quickly

" Calm down, just fix me up doc." He smirks and it takes all her will power to hide hers.

" You should've died from blood loss." She says as she pours moonshine over it, taking away the blood," You actually cleaned it?" She asks raising an eyebrow to him

" I told you I listen to when you've cleaned me up a million times." He says winking

" Yeah well you still did it wrong."

" There's the Clarke I know." He grunts in pain afterwards as a smile escapes her lips,
" So you find it funny when something hurts me."

" Just realized that now." She asks as she begins stitching," Stop moving, you'll mess it up even more."

Suddenly, the flap opens up and Raven comes in, looking slightly surprised when she does.

"Sorry to interrupt this, But you owe your people an explanation." She points to Bellamy

" And no welcome back." He mutters

" Hey Bellamy, I'm happy your alive." Raven says before leaving just as Clarke finishes his leg.

He swings off the table, despite Clarke protesting and head for the door but just before they leave he turns to Clarke.

" By the way, I'm still pissed at his you've been acting when I was gone." He says sternly

" Oh sorry Dad." Clarke replies sarcastically.

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