Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning with a sore neck and all the blankets on Alfred's side of the bed. I snorted lightly and pushed him off the bed, waking him up.

"Wah? Hey! That was a dick move Braginski, dick move."

"You hog the blankets, you get kicked off the bed. Its a fair trade." I smirked.

Getting out of bed, I quickly got changed into a warm sweater and some jeans, planning in meeting with Arthur early this morning.

"Where you going babe?" Alfred asked as I walked towards the door.

"To see Arthur, him and I have a meeting planned for this morning."

"Oh, OK. Have fun."

I smiled and left the room, Alfred got jealous quite easily so I usually tried not to be vauge on details of where I am going. (Except for when he was unaware of my villainous deeds.)
I walked to Arthur's office and knocked on the door, Francis answered it looking deshevled.

"You look like you were having some fun Francis." I chuckled.

"Ah, mon ami, come in Angleterre is expecting you."

"Why do you call him England? Is it because he is English?"

"Oui, and because I love to see him get flustered when I call him that. Au revoir."

"Do svadanya Francis."

I walked into the room and saw Arthur standing with his back turned to me fiddling with his globe.

"I have a package for a Mr.Kirkland. Its a giant dildo."
I joked using my horrible fake British accent.

"What!?" Arthur turned around, face bright red.


"That's not funny Ivan!"

"Да, it is. Anyway, why did you call me here?"

"I'm here to talk to you about Matthew."

"What about him?" I asked, I used to date Matthew, before Alfred, we didn't end on the best terms.

"Well he called me this morning and informed me that he was in town and I offered for him to stay here. I hope that won't be a problem."

"No, it won't be. Matvey and I aren't together anymore and I have Alfred so everything will be fine."

"Good, good. Well that's all, thank you Ivan."

"No problem Artie."

I chuckled and left the room, closing the door behind me. Matthew was coming...oh no. Last time I saw him, we had become...intimate...with each other. I wasn't seeing anyone and neither was he but I dread the thought that it may happen again even though I have Alfred.

I would never cheat on Alfie! I love him with a my heart and more....but there's just something about Matvey that I can't resist...

(A/N: Ivan calls Matthew 'Matvey' and Matthew calls Ivan 'Vanya')

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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