Chapter 3

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Ivan smiled as he easily broke into the museum, he'd been doing things like this far before he had met Alfred. It started when he couldn't find a job to help support his two sisters and he eventually progressed into what the world would call a 'villian', you know the kind from those superhero movies Alfred loves so much. Ivan smiled again thinking about his loving boyfriend, this would be one of his last plans. This one in particular was so he could pay for an engagement ring.

Yes, Ivan planned to propose to Alfred, he just needed the money to do so. Being a part time librarian and dating a mailman doesn't exactly pay a lot. (Sorry for the stupid jobs) The tall russian slowly snuck through the museum to the glass case that held the prized Hope diamond. Ivan did understand how cliche his life was, normal person with an 'ordinary' boyfriend and a super villian with a nemesis.

He slowly removed the diamond from the glass case it was enclosed in, slipping it into his bag. He was about to turn around and leave when his back was kicked, sending him through the glass case.

"Glad to see you finally made it comrade, I was starting to think you had forgotten about me." Ivan said as he got up from the pile of shattered glass.

"Haha! As if the hero would forget about a commie bastard like you!"

"Oh, now your just flattering me." Ivan smiled, not the usual one he used nor the loving one he gave Alfred, this was an evil smile, one he had perfected after all these encounters with Mr.America.

Alfred laughed, smiling his heroic smile. "Ready to get your ass kicked commie?"

Ivan paused. That reminded him all too much of Alfred. His american boyfriend had said that same thing yesterday when he agreed to play Mortal Combat. "Alfred..." Ivan mumbled before shaking his head. No, Alfred couldn't be Mr.America, he was at home, in bed, sleeping.

Ivan quickly got up and grabbed the diamond, slamming a punch into Mr.America's jaw causing the former to stumble back. "Dude, just give up. You'll never escape cause I'm the hero!" Ivan looked at America through his mask. "Alfred...?" He asked quietly.

Mr.America looked at him, slightly shocked. "What are you talking about you commie bastard!?" Ivan looked around before running out the door, not even caring about stealth, he had to make sure that Alfred was at home.

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