Chapter 1

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(Plot in pic^)

Ivan sighed, how was he going to explain this to Alfred? He comes back to the house, limping with a giant gash on his forehead and arm, how was he going to explain that? 'Privet Alfred! Oh, the cuts and limping? You know, just got beat up by the local superhero, Mr.America, no biggie.' Yeah, that would go well.

He got out his key and opened the door, walking straight to the bathroom hoping to get patched up before Alfred sees him.

"Ivan? Babe, is that you?"
Ivan heard his boyfriend/roommate Alfred call from their bedroom."Da Alfred, its me."
Ivan slowly limps to the bedroom, surprised when he sees Alfred sitting on the bed, stitching up a cut on his leg, wincing every once in a while.
"Sunflower, what happened?" Alfred looked up. "Hey babe. Its no biggie, I just accidentally cut myself on a fence at work."

Ivan lipped over and sat on the bed next to him."Here sunflower, let me help." Alfred gave the needle and medical thread over to Ivan, he trusted his boyfriend to do this because this wasn't the first time that he's had Ivan stich him up and vice versa.

"What happened to you babe. Workin' at the library finally get to you? Rouge teenagers? (Their like, 25 in this.) What? 'Cause stackin' books can't cause a gash like that." Ivan laughed lightly at at his boyfriends sense of humor.
"Nyet. I tripped walking back home." That was a lie Ivan used constantly when he had to come home and get patched up.

He finished off alfred leg and looked down slightly. "Could you help me please sunflower?" "Yeah brah." Alfred smiled his so-called 'hero' smile and started gently stitching up the cut on Ivan's arm. "It seems that we always come home hurt one way or another, da?" Alfred laughed a bit awkwardly, he always sucked at lying, it was a surprise he kept his secret this long. "Hehe, yeah babe."

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