Chapter 2

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~That night because I'm lazy too write what happened before now~

It was about 11pm when Ivan woke up, slowly slipping out of bed and turning on the bedside lamp. He hated leaving Alfred in the middle of the night like this but he had a plan to break into the Smithsonian tonight and he'd rather not have all his hard work go to waste. "Ivan? Babe, what you doin' up?" Came Alfred's muffled voice from the bed.

"I-uh...I'm just heading to the Library...I..forgot to turn off the lights." Ivan lied out of his ass, hopefully Alfred would believe him. "Mmm....kay babe. Come home soon kay?" Ivan smiled and kissed Alfred's forehead. "Da, I love you sunflower." Ivan made sure to tell Alfred that every time he left for one of his plans in case he got caught... Or worse.

"Luv yah too babe." Alfred mumbled before turning over and falling back asleep. Ivan smiled light and quickly got dressed in a simple T-shirt and pants, making sure to bring his scarf with him. He made his way out to his car, driving to his secret lair...just kidding he was driving to a warehouse he owned to get changed into his costume and grab all the materials and weapons he needed.

After he was all dressed up and ready he grabbed the vehicle he used for all his heists and made his way to the Smithsonian.

∆¶Alfred's POV¶∆

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing loudly, no not my cell phone my super-awesome-secret cell phone I used in case 'Mr.America' was needed. "Sup dude? Whatcha' need?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"America, there's been a break in at the Smithsonian." Alfred sat up and walked to the little safe he kept in the back of the closet. "Kay dude, who did it? Was it that commie bastard?" "Yes, White Flame is trying to steal the Hope diamond." (I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY STUPID CLICHÉS!) "Got it bro, see ya in a few." Alfred smiled, hopefully this time he'd send that commie bastard to jail.

(That's all you get for now. I'll write more in the morning since I wrote this all in a little while.)

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