Chapter 4

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Alfred sighed, White Flame got away again. He picked up the Hope diamond, placing it near a different exhibit before realizing that Ivan would be back from the library any minute. Crap! He had to get home now before Ivan got worried!

Alfred quickly jumped into his awesome, American flag printed car and spead away, hoping to beat Ivan home.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

Alfred quickly slipped though the bedroom window, just laying under the covers when he heard the front door unlock. Ivan quietly walked into the bedroom, limping slightly. "Hmm? Babe, is that you?" Alfred said in a fake groggy voice. "DA sunflower, its me. I'll be in bed in a bit alright. Go back to sleep."

Ivan walked into the bathroom, sighing in relief that Alfred was home, safe and NOT Mr.America. Ivan looked into the mirror, wincing slightly at his appearance. He had a black eye, a limp and a small cut on his cheek from the glass. He put a bandage on his cheek, hoping he could play it off as running into a door. Alfred must think he's really clumsy, but then again, so is Alfred.

Ivan slipped into bed beside Alfred, smiling as the American cuddled up to him. Ivan was quick to fall asleep, fighting a superhero was tough work.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

Ivan woke up, streaching before slipping slowly out of bed, so not to wake up Alfred. His head and leg hurt like hell and his eye was swollen. The tall Russian leaned over and pressed a light kiss to Alfred slightly parted lips. He slowly left the room, planning to make Alfred some breakfast and maybe cuddle afterwards and watch TV.

While making breakfast Ivan thought back about the previous night, he felt so stupid, thinking that Alfred could be Mr. America. Sure they both were super patriotic, called themselves hero's, were blonde...had blue eyes...and similar voices.... He quickly ran back to the bedroom leading in at the still sleeping Alfred. His American boyfriend had a large bruise in the same spot he had punched Mr. America last night.

Ivan's eyes widened lightly, he slowly backed away into the dining room. He sat down at their dining room table and rested his head in his hands. 'How could i have been so stupid not to see it before!?' He thought. 'Alfred and i have been dating for seven years now, I've been fighting Mr. america for eight! I...I'm dating my nemisis...'

Ivan ran his hands through his ash blonde hair. 'How will Alfred feel when he knows I'm the one he hates so much. I'm the one who's a wanted criminal and murderer. I'm the one he promised nationally that he'd either kill me or put me in jail for the rest of my life!'

The Russian man jumped lightly when two soft hands were placed on his shoulders. "You alright babe? You seem troubled. Dude, what happened to your eye?" He heard Alfred's unusually calming voice behind him. "N-nothing sunflower...." "You sure bro? You can talk to me ya' know! I'm the hero! I can help anyone!"

' could I have not known before....?'

(Does ivan tell alfred? Does he keep it a secret for now? Does a heist go wrong and identities get revealed? Find out in the next chapter!)

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