How I ended up with my hands tied? Well because I'm an idiot and Zendaya's crazy ass must have known that they had left because moments later she came downstairs and stunned me with a fucking stun gun, which I blacked out from. When I came to my hands were tied and I was sitting on the floor in some kind of room. It wasn't in the basement I could tell but I know one thing if she's going to keep me here I wish her trifling ass would clean up! I'm more terrified of the fucking roaches than I am of what her crazy ass has up her sleeve.

"Shut up you manly bitch." She snarled before punching me in the face.

I glared at her and spit blood out of my mouth. "Zendaya...what is your problem?"

She smirked. "You, and everyone else. That's my problem. Dinah every since you were little you always got so much attention, from Nana, from everyone. My mother abandoned me Dinah and your parents took me up but yet they still cared more about you. All because of your...issues. Dinah just face it you didn't want to be a boy so you went into transitioning there's no way in hell that a woman would want to be with you. Amber is stupid and Lauren she's just...white trash, a whore, she'd sleep with anyone."

She can't be serious right now. "I'm having a hard time listening to a bitch who used give out blow jobs as a form of payment for guys helping you with your homework. Listen up you yuck mouth bitch. I am who I am, and I've learned to love who I am so you saying all of that shit to me does not hurt me. I don't care what your issue is really but I do know that you need help. Amber is...or even was your best friend but I'm starting to get the feeling that her actions were caused by you. You've always been a manipulative bitch...what you did to your own son is disgusting and what you did to Lauren is Why would you?"

She began to cry. "Fuck Devon! Fuck Amber! Fuck you and fuck that fat necked bitch that you so call love! Nobody ever gave a fuck about me Dinah! You were my best friend and I was always there for you. But were you ever there for me? FUCK NO! You never cared. My own fucking son he didn't appreciate shit! His ungrateful ass deserved what he got, always asking for Nela well because of you Dinah he's not ever coming around."


"The guy who nearly killed me?"

"I wish he would have're a fucking waste of space...anyways dyke bitch let me finish."

I rolled my eyes. Something is clearly going on with her mentally so I'm just going to let her ass talk, my hands are almost free anyways. "Sorry...continue."

"I loved Normani...but I just didn't know how to show her...she loved my son more than she loved me...and it just wasn't fair...I loved Amber too. But you had I talked her into hurting you and her dumb ass did because I told her that we'd run away together. Then she got pregnant with that retarded little girl...Dinah did Amber tell you that the reason why she sent Gabby to you is because she's autistic?"

I wasn't trying to believe a word that she said so I just shook my head no.

"Well that's just tragic. Anyways as I was saying...that was a smart move for her...I probably would have had Gabby in that dog cage too. Now as for Lauren...simple I did it for Amber. She still loved you...and as hard as that was for me, I love her so I would have done anything for her...that was until she betrayed me by feeding Devon today when she wasn't supposed to. Now she's paying for what she did along with the pain that she put me through."

Finally! I loosened my hands from the rope. " was nice talking to you but I'm just going to leave now." I said calmly.

She pulled out that stun gun again but before she could react I punched her so hard that she fell backwards and accidentally stunned herself before she eventually blacked out.

Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [Completed.]Where stories live. Discover now