Chapter Twenty Three

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I wake up to the sound of birds tweeting. The sunshine streams into my room and immediately puts a smile on my face. I get up and walk downstairs, still in my pajamas.

On the kitchen counter I notice a yellow slip of paper reading "Hey Sweetie, sorry I have to work late tonight. I'll probably be staying in a hotel room tonight. I'm really sorry to leave you home alone, but I trust that you'll be okay." I must have not seen the note last night, but I am relieved my mom is okay. I go back upstairs to change and brush my teeth, then head back down to eat my breakfast. I am interrupted from the sound of the phone ringing. I rush to answer it, thinking it might be my mom.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Sheldon, it's Jacob. I was wondering if you are able to come over and help me study for the science test Monday" Jacob asks.

I think about it briefly, before realizing my day is free.

"Yeah sure, I'll come over after breakfast" I say.

"Cool. Thanks" he replies, before hanging up.

I continue eating then put away the dishes. I had never actually been to a friend's house before, excluding Jamie's as she hadn't formally invited me over. I go pack my backpack with my science notes and textbook, then leave.

Jacob's house is actually pretty far from my house; but since my mother isn't home to offer a ride, I have no choice but to walk. The science textbook in my backpack feels like it's growing heavier the further I walk. After about twenty five minutes, I feel my breath getting heavier. I'm almost there, I think to myself, encouragingly. I see it in the distance, and feel relieved that I don't need to walk much further.

Once I arrive, I hesitantly knock on the door. The house is rather large and intimidating, leaving me a bit nervous. A boy, who looks to be in his late teens, opens the door. He looks astonishingly like Jacob, so I can only assume that Jacob has a brother.

"Hello" he says.

"Hi, Jacob invited me over" I state.

He nods, and then lets me in. He points in the direction of Jacob's room and tells me he's in there. I nod, and then go up to knock on the door.

"Hey Sheldon" he says, as he opens the door. "Come on in."

I enter, and put down my backpack. His room is very messy, unlike mine. I keep everything neat and tidy to better organize myself, but the messiness doesn't seem to bother him.

"Okay" I start. "So do you want to review the entire unit or just places you have trouble with?" I ask.

"I think just the things I don't understand, I've already made a list" he tells me.

I nod, and then we start. I start explaining things to him and it doesn't take him long to understand. We get by faster than expected, and then take a break. He offers to bring up snacks, so I wait for him. My eyes glance around the room and I can't help but notice a piece of paper on his desk. I get up and walk closer towards it to read it:


· Be nicer to people you normally wouldn't be.

· Do really well in at least one subject (Science?)

· Make at least one new friend who is actually nice to you.

I rub my eyes to make sure they're working. I read it over again in disbelief. He has a list of goals too? I hear the door open to see Jacob bring in a bowl of chips. He smiles as he enters, then looks alarmed. He rushed over to pull away the paper and crumple it up.

"That's not even mine" he explains.

"It's okay if it is" I say.

He looks at me as though he's embarrassed and I do something I'd never think I would do. I pull out the piece of paper I keep in my pocket, the paper stating all of my goals, and hand it over to him. Jacob looks at me, startled at first, and then smiles as he reads further.

"You know what Sheldon, we're actually more alike than I thought" he says.

I smile in response.

We then sit down and continue studying, as though nothing had happened. Once we're done, he walks me downstairs. Now, as I have showed my list of goals to someone, one in particular embarrasses me: the goal where I express my desire to be called cool. I know now that the concept of coolness is not just one person's to decide, I decide whether or not I think I am cool. I choose to see the best in myself because I am my own person, and I do not need to rely on the opinion of others.

Just then, Jacob turns around.

"Hey Sheldon," he says.

"Yeah?" I respond.

"Just for the record, I think you're pretty cool," he says.

As I continue to walk out, I can't help smiling.

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