Chapter Eight

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As I walk through the door, I bump into my mother, who is in the middle of vacuuming. It takes a few seconds for my ears to adjust to the noise before she unplugs it. “Sheldon?! What are you doing home so early?” she asks. I stand there for a minute, looking confused. She notices this and explains further “You usually come home in 10 – 15 minutes, how’d you come home this fast?” I remember the fact that I hadn’t been cornered by Jacob and his friends today, so I was able to arrive home on time – unlike every other day. “I.. uh.. normally stay behind and help teachers but I thought about you telling me last night to enjoy my life, so I decided to walk home with a friend instead.” As I mention the word ‘friend’ I see my mom’s eyes light up. “Friend?” she asks. “Yeah, uh, Jamie Carter. She lives on the next street over so we walk the same way.” I elaborate. “Wow Sheldon, I’m very proud of you. It’s nice to see you making more of an effort to enjoy yourself in your last year of elementary school.” This time, my face lights up and I walk around her and run upstairs.

My list of goals stands out on my wall and I rush over towards it. I pick up a pencil and proudly check off the first box: “I have made at least one friend.” I think of Jamie as I do so, wondering if she thinks I’m cool. I had no idea I would be able achieve a goal so quickly. It’s hard to believe that this time yesterday, I had still never talked to Jamie – I feel like I’ve known her forever.

I walk over to my desk, about to start my homework, before remembering my goal to let loose on grades this year. Instead, I pick up my laptop and bring it over to my bed. I sit down and start up the laptop. The only ‘Recently Visited’ websites are advanced online courses. I type in ‘’ remembering how I’d eavesdropped on a conversation about it showing funny cat videos. I then type in ‘cat videos’ into the search bar and begin uncontrollably laughing at the hilarious antics of cats. This alarms my mother who comes up to check on me just in case. I continue on into the world of ‘YouTube’ for the next few hours, only stopping to have dinner.

Before I know it, it’s 10:00 pm and I still haven’t done my homework. I feel something in my stomach, unsure of whether or not it is fear or excitement, I close my laptop and fall asleep. Just before I fall asleep, I feel eager to start a new, better day tomorrow.

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