Chapter Sixteen

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The next morning, I wake up to my room filled with sunlight. I must admit, I love mornings like this. Bright, sunny mornings. I will definitely miss this in the winter. Once my eyes adjust, I walk over to my alarm clock and unplug it, seeing as I have awaken before it rang. I decide to go brush my teeth, change, and fix my hair. I then head downstairs and pour myself a bowl of cereal. As I sit down, my mom comes downstairs to join me.

 “Wow Sheldon! Up so early?” she says.

 “Yeah, it’s such a nice morning I’ve decided to go to school a bit earlier.”

 “That sounds like a good idea” she replies.

 Once I finish my cereal, I pack my bag and head outside. The sunshine puts a smile on my face as I walk towards school. As I walk towards the school, I realize I have forgotten to wear my contacts, and instead, am still wearing my glasses. I stop in my tracks. Is it really worth going back? They’re just glasses, they define me. Shouldn’t I be proud to wear them? Yes, yes I should. I continue walking towards school, only now walking a bit more proudly.

Today has started off so well, I can’t wait to start the day! The fact that it’s Friday just brightens my day as well. Tomorrow is Halloween, and I love how it’s on a Saturday. I will be able to stay out longer without having to worry about waking up for school the next day! And now, instead of going alone, I am able to go with Jamie, and maybe even invite the others!

There is much less students here at this time of day. I look around and see only about twenty people scattered across the pavement. I walk closer towards the tree Jamie and I usually sit under at recess, it has become a safe place for me. Once I sit down beneath it, I pull out my copy of “To Kill A Mockingbird” and begin reading. The sun beaming down feels warm on my skin, as I lean back on to the tree. I close my eyes momentarily. I remember myself being six years old, playing in the park with the rest of the kids on a summer morning. It feels as if I’m actually there until I open my eyes, only to find a brick-shaped building forty feet in front of me.

A while later, I check my watch which tells me it is 8:56 am. I realize I only have a few more minutes until I need to go inside. Behind me, I hear two girls giggling. Just as I am about to turn around I am taken aback in shock.

 “BOO” they scream. I realize Jamie and Avery had been behind me this entire time. I start laughing along with them.

 “When did you two get here?” I ask.

 “A while ago” Avery replies.

 Jamie explains “We just wanted to scare you while you were reading your book, just every time we got close, we couldn’t help laughing.”

 “You need to get in the spirit of Halloween! It’s tomorrow! Oh, and by the way, Jamie invited me to come along trick-or-treating with you guys. Is that alright?” Avery says.

 “Yeah sure, that’d be great.” I reply.

 “Good” both Avery and Jamie respond in unison.

Jamie helps me up and we all head to the entrance of the school. While walking to our lockers, we talk more about our Halloween costumes.

 “I already drew a rough copy of what I expect my pirate costume to look like” I say.

 “I was a pirate a few years ago so – as long as it still fits – I already have a costume” Avery states.

 “I still need to start my costume” Jamie says sadly.

 “I have an idea. Why don’t you guys come over tonight? Avery can bring her costume and we can use it as a template for Jamie’s costume. Avery, you can help us make our costumes.” I propose. Both of them nod and we head to drama class.

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