Chapter Eleven

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Once the coach blew the whistle, I was the first target – as usual. The only difference from today was the fact that Jacob grabbed the ball before it hit me. Once this happened, I noticed a few startled looks, including my own. Usually Jacob is focused more on elimination rather than defense. Also, the fact that he is usually throwing the ball in my direction makes this action a bit more confusing. He takes this opportunity to throw the ball towards one of the startled faces. Just then, another ball comes flying towards me. I instinctively jump out of the way. I can’t believe it, I’m actually trying to participate in this game!

Throughout the rest of the game, I begin to fire shots and expertly avoid getting hit. It turns out I’m actually quite good at dodge ball! Once only me, Jacob, and three others are left, I finally am hit from behind. While walking towards the bench, I notice how full it is. Not used to that, I think. While I sit down, out coach gives me half a smile while recording something in his book.

Once gym is over, I start up towards science class, only to be unexpectedly joined by Jacob.

“Hey Sheldon, awesome game!” he says.

“Thanks! You we’re pretty awesome too” I respond.

“Yeah, I could’ve been the last one standing if only I’d avoided that last ball. You were amazing at avoiding the ball, you just need to be more fierce, ya know?”

“Yeah I know, I just don’t know if I can be fierce” I reply.

Once we arrive in class, I see Jamie already waiting for me. She looks excited. Maybe we’re learning about molecular compounds!

“Sheldon! Guess what?!? I wasn’t first target today in gym class, I was fourth!! Imagine that, three people eliminated before me!” she says excitedly.

“Really Jamie?! That’s amazing!” I respond. I decide not to tell her about my experience in gym class, she deserves to be excited. It’s amazing how both of our lives are slowly improving.

 The teacher goes over the lesson plan for today, but as usual, I already know the information so I help Jamie instead. We go over the components of plant cells and I help her study for our next test. While doing so, I remember how Jacob needed help as well, and seeing how he helped me realize my true potential in gym class, he clearly deserved it. I glance around and notice him working with Avery, the goth girl. The must have been paired together by the teacher,I think.

I don’t know Avery too well, however the little I do know is she is an outcast like me, but a different kind. She generally wears dark colors and is always looking quite morose. She has raven-black hair and bright blue eyes. People tend to stay away from her out of fear, rather than based on her popularity like me and Jamie. I tell Jamie to wait while I walk up towards them.

“Hey Jacob.” I nod at Avery. “I was wondering if you guys wanted to join me and Jamie, we’re reviewing all the material for the next test.”

 “Yeah, that’d be cool. Are you up for it Avery?” he responds.

Once she nods her head, we head back over to Jamie. I quickly explain to Jamie that they will be reviewing with us. She nods and we continue with the reviewing. We spend the rest of class studying, and once the bell rings, we all leave for recess. I look over at Jamie, being thankful for having a friend to spend time with at recess. At the same time, I wonder who Avery spends recess with, or if she even goes out for recess. Before I can stop myself, I yell “Wait!”

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