part seventeen - where does the pain go once the rain stops

Start from the beginning

"how so?"

"(your name), you could just tell. he looks at you like you're the most precious thing he's ever seen, he talks to you all the time and makes you laugh whenever he can. he even came to your house to comfort you when you needed it." taehyung's last example stung him, but he knew it was of good reason.

"he's literally love struck."

you shifted uneasily in your seat, blushing. he was right though, hoseok did seem like a love sick puppy to you. he wanted your attention, and would feel happy whenever he would succeed to do so.

"although i really do think your reasons are valid," you admitted, "i still think hoseok should confess if he does."

"oh," taehyung smirked, tugging your arm, "so you want him to confess?"

"w-well," your cheeks flushed, "it would be nice..since he is cute and all..and he has a really nice smile and aura..hoseok is..just really sweet."

taehyung nodded and leaned back onto the couch, making a face that you understood. it was the 'i fucking knew it' face, he slowly clapped his hands. "i was so right!"

"so right about what?"

"on you liking him!"

you grabbed your couch pillow and hit him with it. causing taehyung to chuckle into his low but cute chuckles, covering his face from your brutal pillow attacks.

after the small fight, you looked at the clock across from you. "i should get going on that date."

"oh," taehyung looked at the clock as well, "when are you coming back?"

"hm, maybe around the same time like last time?" you guessed, alrighty heading to your room.

"you guys better be dating when you get home!" taehyung yelled from the living room, making you laugh and cursed at him.

you stood in your bedroom, completely clueless on what to wear. you looked outside your weather and noticed that it was still cloudy but the sun was still out. so you chose rather comfortable fall clothing.

you grabbed a dark orange jacket and a black crop top along with pastel blue jeans. you grabbed your name brand sneakers and kept your hair tied up since you were too lazy to style it.

as you were putting on your makeup, your phone buzzed.

it was from hoseok.

agh, i'm so excited!

there's this cute pastry shop i think you'll let's go there whenever you get hungry okay??

you smiled at how hoseok was so caring about you, making you reply to his cute text messages.

sure thing!

are you already dressed btw??

you set your phone onto the vanity and continued to put your lipstick color on as hoseok replied with a picture message.



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