Chapter Nine: Dispo Day

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You make my slacks a little tight,

you may unfasten them if you like

That's if you crash and spend the night

But you don't fold, you don't fade

You've got everything you need, especially me

Sister you've got it all

Curl your upper lip up and let me look around

Ride your tongue along your bottom lip and bite down

And bend your back and ask those hips if I can touch

Because they're the perfect jumping off point getting closer to your


Well you float on by

Oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight

Or Eskimo your nose real close to mine

And let's mood the lights and finally make it right

Jason Mraz - Butterfly

The Drugs Disposal Convey was on the straight stretch of tarmac, heading down Washington towards the huge industrial incinerator that would destroy the millions of dollars worth of drugs carried by the specialised truck.

The details were low key, only selective members of the MDPD knew where they were heading, what time and when. Usually these runs were a piece of cake. Something officers got in on to gain a little extra cash. There was no danger on one of these run everyone knew that. There was always the potential hence why there was always the armed escort, but in over five hundred Dispo Days there had never been a problem.

Speedle was sitting in the transit truck, watching as the world flew past the window of the passenger seat. His thoughts elsewhere, far away from Dispo Day and drug trucks, focused more on the new part he needed for his bike.

Next to him Officer Mal Hollis occupied the driving seat, his eyes firmly fixed on the road. There was silence between the two men, and it was a comfortable one. They were both quiet by nature and both lost in their own thoughts.

Hollis was thinking of the vacation he had planned, a surprise for his wife on their fifth anniversary. He'd already organised her sister baby sitting the kids while they jetted off for a week to Paris, the city of romance. His wife had always loved Paris, it was where they had honeymooned five years prior and he was looking forward to seeing her face light up at the sight of those two plane tickets.

There were less contented thoughts in Speedle's mind as his eyes fell on the shimmering blue water beneath them as they crossed the bridge. The transfer papers in his desk drawer were plaguing his thoughts; all they needed was his signature and then he was gone. He'd found a way out of Miami, somewhere away from the emotional torture he found himself enduring day in and day out. It was killing him, he knew it, he couldn't think, he could barely function whenever she was near him. His moods swung from the deepest depression to almost irrepressible anger and he found his control on the situation slipping all the time. He couldn't handle the way she made him feel, and he knew she couldn't help the way she was.

Kate had come back to rebuild her life, he'd seen the impact undercover had had on her and he hated it. He knew she was trying her hardest to be normal, to get back everything she could and stabilise herself. It wasn't fair disrupting her life by telling her to get the hell out of his, not when she was trying so hard to fix things. He knew she needed to be here doing this, she'd made friends, she had roots now, and him... well he had nothing.

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