Chapter 69 - Useless

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Mooyeon's POV

I already have lost the feeling of time. I was just trying to survive everyday, filling the day with useless and senseless things, only waiting for each day to end.

Even though I wasn't really sure but I must have been in Vincent's mansion for about a month now.

"Lady Mooyeon, can I give you something? A new book? Some snacks? A tea?" Hyangin asked and I just shook my head.

"I'd rather take a nap. I don't know why but I'm really tired." I answered, my eyelids already heavy.

I didn't know why but I had these tired feelings quite often these days. I could sleep for 12 hours if there's no one waking me up.

Was I losing the joy of life?

'Mooyeon, you have to take good care of yourself now. Not only for your and Taehyung's sake, did you hear me?'

Well, I wasn't doing it well, I have to admit.

Hyangin's POV

I took the chance where Mooyeon was still asleep to search for the box, but seriously, I had no plan where to begin.

I decided to start with the medicine room, since I really wanted to search something there.

I knew searching a secret room or something like that was maybe more effective but it wouldn't be called secret if it would be that easy to find for me.

Besides, I've only been he for 5 weeks, it would be to risky to behave suspicious.

I entered the medicine room to be greeted by the personal doctor of this house.

"Oh, aren't you Lee Hyangin, Lady Mooyeon's personal maid? I'm really happy to see that someone is taking good care for her now. What can I do for you?" he kindly greeted me.

"To be honest, I'm not feeling that well and wanted to ask for some medicines." I lied.

"Do you want me to have a look?" he asked and I rejected immediately.

"No, no, no. There's no need. Well, I..." I was desperately searching for a good reason to satisfy his curiousness.

"I have a malignant sore, it looks a little bit like an abscess. It's on a part of my body I don't really want to show you, so I wanted to ask for a medicine I can put on myself." I faked an embarassed expression.

"Oh, I see. I see." he accepted this excuse really quickly. "Let me search for you, just wait here for me."

While he was away I looked around the medicine room. There wasn't anything interesting to me until I found something behind the counter.

I peered at this item and realized that it was the same box as the one JeonHa showed me.

Is this thing really that easy to find?

That meant that my task will be completed soon. I just have to open this box and check the amount of red jewels in it.

Then, I only have to report it to JeonHa and I don't need to stay here anymore.

Without making any sound I slowly reached my hand to grab it and finally took it in my hand.

When I was about to open it a loud voice startled me.

"Put that box back at its spot straightaway!" the doctor yelled and glared at me with horrified eyes.

I put the box down at the counter instantly and was literally in panic.

"Did you see anything in this box? What did you see? Why did you take this box? Answer me or I'll tell Earl Magot everything." he threatened blatantly.

I Will Find You || BTS Taehyung (V) FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora