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Bria: What did you just say?!?!!???!?!!

Aug: Bria the man got you pregnant

Bria: what are we gonna do? I don't want his baby but you kno my family doesn't believe in abortions and if they ever found out they wouldn't love me anymore and I need my family August.

Aug: They don't have to know. All they kno is that you were raped and abused they don't have to kno the pregnancy part. Just do it

Bria: you don't understand tho (gco)

Aug: I don't mean to sound lik an asshole when I say this but can u do this abortion cause I rlly don't wanna raise a child of a rapist and a child that's not even mine. If you don't tell I won't tell and no one but us and the doctor will know !

Bria: can I Atleast think about it aug

Aug: what is there to think about? You've been pregnant for a few days its barely a fetus inside you so just let them take it out so everything can go back to normal. We just had Kay Kay a year ago we don't need another kid in the house. Cause you don't have money for this child..

Bria: you really do sound lik an asshole wether you mean it or not august.. Just listen to yourself. Your being selfish right now.

Aug: Bria do what you want. Think about it I honestly don't give a fuck anymore but just know I'm not raising a child that ain't mine man.

Bria: I can't fuckin believe wat your saying right now . It's my child too!

Aug: I don't fuckin care. It's not mine therefore I don't have to care for it!

Bria: FINE!! I'm tired of fighting with you because it seems like I can never win. So you WIN ill get an abortion. Ill get rid of a child that I might have wanted just for you since I love you so much. *mumbling* you can be such a jerk sometimes...

Aug: what was that last part?

Bria: nothing...

Aug: ok then. Thank you for understanding and not having this baby. You kno we can't afford it anyways so I don't know why you wanted to "think about it".

Bria: maybe because we've been through worst things than this and if you would stick to your music instead of slingin drugs all the damn time then we would have money

Aug: your really starting to piss me off right now

Bria: as if you haven't already pissed me off. Maybe just maybe this baby could be a blessing and just because it isn't yours doesn't mean you can't raise it as your own. Did you ever think about that? Nah you didn't cause your so fuxkin selfish and only think of yourself

Aug: lik I said already I'm not gonna fucking fight wit yo ass so u do whatever the fuck you wanna do

Bria: fine I will!! I'm having this baby

Aug: bye...

Bria: where are you goin ??

Aug: away from you. I don't wanna be around you if your gonna keep tht thing. I really don't want a thing to do with it


Aug: you mad your choice. Your getting what you want too so you should be happy

Bria: *crying* ASSHOLE just leave then. Is this what your gonna do everytime things get hard? You just gonna leave? You can have this ring back I don't even want it anymore . Us getting married isn't a good idea I don't even know why I ever liked you. Your a self center asshole you fuxkin bitch!!!

Aug: No I'm not leavin when things get tough I'm leaving cause u don't understand me and why I don't wanna have this baby.

Bria: I didn't say I don't agree. I just don't understand why u can't give this a try

Aug: I would but we don't have money for this shit! We are barely can get the stuff we want now. Your just thinkin about the baby your not thinkin about how this baby is gonna get stuff like clothes and food

Bria: I guess your right

Aug: if you listened more often instead of running your mouth you would see that I'm only tryin to do what's best for us

Bria: ok well I guess you can go tell the doctor Ill get the abortion

Aug: thanks Bria. When we are more stable I promise you we can have as many kids as u want

Bria: yea ok

Aug: no need for the attitude lady *kisses her on the lips*

Bria: you can be so irritating. You know that??

Aug: yea of course!


Downtown: Life Under The Gun (August Alsina story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt