The baby

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----- the next morning--------

Bria: Aug wake up

Aug: I'm up but I need you to tell me what happened

Bria: ok well after I walked around the corner someone punched me and I was knocked out. When I woke up I was in a car with this guy and he was yelling at me cause I was asking him questions. Then we got to his house but I wouldn't get out the car so he hit me again and I blacked out. He woke me up and I was on a bed and he.... He told me to take off my clothes but I went into the bathroom to call you. He opened the bathroom door and took my phone and dropped it and stepped on it.

Aug: that's why I lost the GPS connect. Sorry continue

Bria: it's ok. But he made me take off my clothes or he was gonna hit me so I did. I told him I was pregnant and I didn't want him to do it but he umm he umm *starts crying* he just stuck it in me and went so hard and it hurt. I told him to stop but he wouldn't he just went deeper and faster and made me call him daddy. Then he licked up the cum and made me suck his stuff.... *crying even more* that's all that happened can we stop talking about it now please

Aug: yea I'm sorry babe I just needed to know so I can tell the police. *tries to hold her*

Bria: *flinches*

Aug: what's wrong babe it's just me?

Bria: I'm sorry I was just scared. I can't stop thinking about what happened and I'm hurting...

Aug: ok well we need to get you in the shower so I can take you to the doctor and make sure you and the baby are ok

Bria: ok

Aug: can u walk?

Bria: idk I can try it just hurts so bad. *walking but limping*

Aug:it's ok I got you just take you time babe I'm right here with you

Bria: *smiles*thanks for helping me after what I put you thru

Aug: I put u tru some shxt too. It's ok I love you and will always care for you. I promise!

Bria: ok... i think I can shower on my own

Aug: ok ill be waiting right outside the door if you need me.

Bria: ok

------- at the doctors office---------

Doctor: ok ma'am you and you baby seem to be fine. You both passed all the test so I think you will be ok. Just make sure you stay in bed for a few weeks until the pain goes away. Oh and here are some pills to help with the pain.

Bria: thanks

Aug: you ready to go love

Bria: yea. Lets go

Aug: ok come on

----- back at the house---------

Aug: ok now you need to go to the room and lay down. I don't want you to get outta bed. You heard what the doctor said. If u need something ill get it for you

Bria: ok aug. don't you need to get ready for work?

Aug: oh yea I have to go to the studio. Do you wanna go so your not alone or do you want Lloyd and angel to come over cause I'm leaving you by youself!

Bria: umm Lloyd and angel can come. I don't want to interrupt your work baby

Aug: aight Ill txt him now

----later that night-----

Bria: so what do u want to do now?

Angel: let's talk about the baby!

Lloyd: hey angel I have to meet aug at the studio to help him out. We will both be coming back in like 2 hours

Angel: ok boo. Love you

Lloyd:love you too *kisses her on the cheek*

Bria: ok well I'm having a girl but I haven't told aug. I want it to be a surprise for him. We decided that if we have a boy we would name him Melvin Anthony Alsina cause that was his brothers name. *smiles* And if its a girl we would name her Kayla Marie Alsina.

Angel: ooh those are cute names girl!!

Bria: yea and I told aug that I didn't want to know the babies gender cause I want to be surprised that way he doesn't know *laughing*

Angel: ooh gurl u kno you sneaky lmao

Bria: yea guh!!

Angel: well I'm happy for you but you know we need to have your baby shower soon cause you only have a few months left

Bria: I kno we want to have it at this famous hotel. We saved money so we can rent the whole thing for a weeknd!!

Angel: ok well I'm gonna make the invitations for you. Just let me kno who u want to invite

Bria: If u look on the dresser there is a list. It has all the ppl I want to invite and all the decorations we need to get

Angel: oh great that mean I can do this stuff for you and when your done with bed rest we will have your baby shower.

Bria: ok thanks girl. This means a lot too me.

---- Aug and Lloyd walk in------

Bria: hey baby

Aug: hey *kisses her*

Lloyd: hey boo

Angel: what's up boy

Lloyd: well we are gonna go home so ill see Y'all soon

Aug & Bria: bye see u later

Bria: I'm goin to get something to eat

Aug: what do u want? Ill get it for u

Bria: umm can I have my salad please

Aug: aight ill be back

*goes to get her food*

Bria: runs to the bathroom and throws up

Aug: Bria u ok in there?

Bria: still throwing up

Aug: *rushes in the room with the salad*

Bria: flushes the toilet and washes her hands

Aug: I think we should go back to the doctor

Bria: no I'm fine. Ill be alright

* Bria walks towards the bed but half way there she falls and passes out*

Aug: calls an ambulance and they get there in 5 minutes

* at the hospital*

Aug: ok so what's wrong?

Doctor: something went wrong and she needs to go into labor now in order to save your child

Aug: ok whatever you have to do just please help her and my child

Doctor: we will do everything we can but we need you to wait in the waiting room until further notice.

Aug: ok *walks to waiting room*

*Aug calls Bria mom so she can come and calls his mom so she can come too!*

----- few hours later ------

Aug's mom (Am): so how far along was she.

Aug: well today would mark 6 months

Am: her baby wanted to come early *laughs tryin to brighten the mood*

Bria's mom(bm): I just hope my babies are ok.... *looking sad*

Aug: everything will be fine it just has to be

Doctor: family for Bria

*aug and his mom and Bria's mom walk to the doctor*

Doctor: thankfully the surgery was a success but.......

To be continued!


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