Keepin it Real

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*in the room with noonie and bria*

Bria: don't tell aug tht ur givin him the day off cause I want it to be a surprise because I'm takin him somewhere

Noonie: ok I won't

Bria: u promise

Noonie: I promise Bria

*aug and Michael walk in*

Aug: hey Bria an noonie

Bria&Noonie: hey aug

Aug: Bria can I talk to u for a minute?

Bria: sure babe

*they walk in the hallway*

Bria: so what did u want August ?

Aug: can u tell me what u an noonie were talkin about?

Bria: we were talkin about u actually

Aug: an that's it?

Bria: yep. I promise. U kno I would never lie to you... But why do u wanna kno?

Aug: because Michael thinks ur tryin to fuck noonie

Bria: WHY THE FUCK would he think tht?!?!?!?!?!

Aug: I don't know he said he heard u sayin a few things

Bria: sorry can u excuse me for a minute babe... *kisses him on the cheek*

*bria walks back in the room*

Bria: WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM ASSHOLE?!?! *punches Michael in the face*

Michael: bitch u need to calm down
*tries to pull Bria off of him*

Bria: I'm not a bitch an u need to learn to mind ur own business *punches him repeatedly*

Noonie: Bria what are u doin?

Bria: ur friend here is a *screaming now* FUCKIN ASSHOLE AND A FUCKING MESSED UP BITCH!!!!

*augs runs in*

Aug: *pulls Bria off of michael*

Bria: August Anthony Alsina LET ME GO NOW *still swinging an kickin*

Aug: not until u calm down

Bria: babe I'm calm just let me down. I'm fine now

Aug: *puts her down*

Bria: *runs towards Michael an starts hitting him again* I FUXKING HATE U ! UR A BASTARD. WHY WOULD U TRY TO RUIN MY RELATIONSHIP

Aug & Noonie: *pulling Bria off of him*

Noonie: *hands Bria to august* please take her somewhere before she kills him *laughs*

Aug: ok ill be back later tonight to finish the track *carrying Bria out*

Bria: let me go I'm not a little girl.

Aug: why so I can go kick michaels ass again

Bria: *laughs * I did get him good huh?

Aug: yea babe u beat the shit outta him

Bria: he shouldn't have told u something that wasn't true. U kno I wouldn't cheat on you and really if I would cheat I damn sure wouldn't do it with your friend. I'm jot fuckin stupid

Aug: calm down I kno u wouldn't cheat

*outside at the car*

Bria: where are we goin??

Aug: ill take u out to eat then I'm takin u home before I go back to the studio an finish my music

Bria: why can't I go back with you?

Aug: cause I don't want u to kill Michael *laughin hard*

Bria: why can't he leave?

Aug: cause he helps produce the music so I kind of need him

Bria: Just tell the bastard not to fuxk with me again or ill kick his ass again

Aug: ill make sure he gets the message

Bria: thanks babe

------- after dinner, at the house ------

Bria- so I guess it was a good thing that I got dressed up today

Aug: yes it is an u looked amazing

Bria: awh thank you babe *kisses him*

Aug: Bria u kno I have to go back to the studio so please don't start

Bria: just for tonight babe... I'm actually feeling safe for once an I just want u here with me tonight *kisses his neck*

Aug: damn. U sound so beautiful when u beg

Bria: so stay babe. Please. For me *taking off his shirt*

Aug: fine ur lucky I live u so damn much *kisses her* let me go call noonie so he kno I'm not comin back tonight.

Bria: alright ill be waiting when u get back

Aug: ok

*aug steps in another room*

(On the phone)

Aug: aye noonie I won't be able to make it back tonight?

Noonie: u kno ur costin us money right?

Aug: yes ill pay u back I promise but Bria need me to stay with her so she can feel safe. I think it because if what happened a month ago

Noonie: alright and how is Bria after she fuxked up Michael?

Aug: she good *laughin*

Noonie: aight bro. See u next week

Aug: ok

(End of convo )

*walking back in the room*

Bria: hey babe come get in bed with me

Aug: *gets in bed & holds bria*

Bria: u kno it makes me feel so safe when u hold me tight. I'm just not the same since that night

Aug: I kno but I'm here to keep u save so u dont ever have to worry

Bria: I kno we haven't had fun since tht night but it's just because I'm scared. I want to but I'm so scared

Aug: it's ok baby we don't have to do anything until ur comfortable but jus kno tht id never hurt u

Bria: I kno that's why I want to try and do it tonight. It's been a little more than a month now and I kno u want it

Aug: yea I want it but I'm not doin it unless I kno ur ready and I don't think u are

Bria: well I think I am so can we just try. I feel lik if I don't try then ill never be able to do it

Aug: fine but if I feel lik I'm hurting you then I'm gonna stop

Bria: ok. Thanks for letting me try ;)
I love u so much

Aug: I love u too


What do u guys think ? Is it gettin good??

Downtown: Life Under The Gun (August Alsina story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें