Will it get better?

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~5 hours later~

Doctor: Family of Bria Alsina?

Aug: right here!!

Doctor: your lucky u got her here because if u would have gotten here 2 hours later she wouldn't have made it cause she lost a lot of blood. She was shot and she has signs of abuse and sexual assault

Aug: Nah man she couldn't have! She left this morning to get breakfast and she didn't come back ... That's why I went out to look for her and I found her outside the warehouse *a few tears slip down his cheek*

Doctor: well it's good u found her because we removed the bullet an patched up her wounds. she is conscious now so u can go back and talk to her now if your like.

Aug: Thanks for the news. * walks toward lloyd* come on let's go see Bria

Lloyd: she alright cause u cryin man?

Aug: yea but I think I shot her? How am I gonna tell the women I love tht I was the reason she almost died??? And before this all happened he told me she was sexually assaulted and was abused. That nigga raped Bria and he hurt her for 3 hours! She was gone for 3 hours an had to deal with this when I told her I would always keep her safe...

Lloyd: it ain't yo fault man. U didn't kno this was gonna happen. But what u need to do now is comfort her and make sure u stay by her side until she gets better

Aug: alright. Thanks for bein a good friend

Lloyd: nigga u my bro for life. Don't forget that

Aug: aight now let's go see her

- walks to her room -

Aug: Bria??

Bria: AUGUST!!! I was so scared you wouldn't find me. That guy did stuff to me and he hit me... He shot me too! Right before u shot him cause he saw u reaching for ur gun

Aug POV:

Thank god!!! I thought I shot her but it still doesn't make it ok because my babe is still here and she is still hurt :(

End of POV

Aug: we killed him so it's ok now babe right now we jus need to focus on you gettin better.

Bria: I was so scared cause I thought u wouldn't come.... He made me have sex with him and he made me do things to him. What did I do wrong?

Aug: nothing Bria u did nothin wrong it's no ones fault ok. U just need to stay calm and ima be here forever. U will always be safe cus ur never leavin my side

Bria: ok *tries to smile* my face hurts a lot

Aug: I'm sorry babe. *kisses her on the forehead* Lloyd's here too.

Bria: tell him to come in

Aug: Lloyd come on

Lloyd: Hey Bria how u feelin

Bria: not so good but I'm happy to be away from that guy. He was so scary

Lloyd: u wont have to worry about seein him again

Bria: ok. Where is angel? I wanna talk to her

Lloyd: ill call her Nd tell her.

Bria: ok thanks.

Aug: I'm gonna be here and ill hold ur hand the whole time but I need you to rest so u can get better ok. I'm not leavin ur side. Ill be here until its time for you to go home

Bria: ok I am a little tired so ill take a nap

Aug: ok

-- Bria I asleep now ----

Lloyd: hey I'm gonna go how to get angel

Aug: aight man

*lloyd leaves*

Doctor: * knocks on the door*

Aug: come in

Doctor: mr August can I talk to u out her for a minute

Aug: sure

Doctor : I have a bit of bad news

Aug: umm what is it ... *looking worried*

Doctor: we did a few tests on her earlier an she was negative on all except on.... Bria Is pregnant.

Aug: What The Fuck! *his face is blakk*

Doctor: She is pregnant. We can do an abortion but we would need her consent.

Aug: ok ill tell her when she wakes up. I jus want her to rest right now

Doctor: that's fine. Ill check to make sure she is still ok later

Aug: ok thanks sir

*walks back in the room*

Aug POV:

Wtf!!! How am I suppose to tell her the guy that raped her got her pregnant to... She has already been through enough now this. She is gettin an abortion cause I'm sure she doesn't want his kid and I sure as hell don't wanna raise a kid that's not mine. This is just to much to handle right now. I need to breathe an calm down before I go off.......

End of POV

~ few hours later ~

Bria: hey aug im up :)

Aug: hey babe how u feelin?

Bria: I feel a lil better but u look stressed. What's wrong?

Aug: the doctor gave me some bad news while u were sleep and I don't kno how to tell u

Bria: I don't think it an get any worse than this So just tell me

Aug: *sighs* the doctor told me your .... He .. He told me that they guy who raped you got you pregnant too


A/N : I wonder how she is gonna react.... What do u guys think is gonna happen??? Leave ur comment below. I know this chapter was shorter but I'm a lil tired 😕 But I hoped u guys enjoyed both of the chapters today!! Again I Luv u guys ♥ ~ Bria

Downtown: Life Under The Gun (August Alsina story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz