Suprise Pt.2

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Aug: *gets up and kisses her* Thank you babe and I truly do mean everything i just said!

Bria: I kno you do sweety * jumps on aug and hugs him tight*

Aug: u gotta get down so I can put the ring on

Bria: oh yes I'm sorry bae

Aug:* puts the ring on her finger*

Bria: it's beautiful! Are these real diamonds?!?!

Aug: Yes, 24 small diamonds.

Bria: how could you afford this

Aug: I kno how to save money and not spend it as soon as I get it lik you *laughs*

Bria: Not funny >.<

Aug: ok well I'm goin to check on Kay Kay now. And that's only half of the surprise. After I go check Kay I'm gonna bring you something so go take a shower for me

Bria: umm ok!.... I'm nervous.

Aug: don't be everything will be fine

--- checked on Kay and brings back a midnight blue short dress -------

Aug: ur surprise is on the bed! Were going out but im gonna leave Kay at my moms house for the rest of the night

Bria: ok thanks babe!

* Bria getting dressed and puts on her black heals* this dress is gorgeous!!! I love it aug!

Aug: good now come on so we can start our night

Bria: ok

* dropped Kay at Aug's mothers house and on their way to the restaurant *

Bria: so where are we going??

Aug: somewhere special for my lovely lady!

Bria: I wanna kno so bad

Aug: everything has been good so far so I'm sure you will love this just as much.

Bria: ok aug

--- arriving at the restaurant ----

Aug: *opens the door for her* I just want this night to be relaxing for you. And I want you to enjoy yourself ok?

Bria: aww ok ! Thank you for all of this

Aug: no problem
* walking to the desk* Reservation for 2 under Alsina

Waiter: ah yes right this way

*sitting down at there table*

Bria: this place is so beautiful. I've never been here before

Aug: yea I kno. My friend told me about it!

Bria: ok cool well I love it. Today has been the best day ever even though we had a fight...

Aug: I may yell at you and fight with you but I will never ever lay a hand on you or leave you and my baby girl! I promise you that! I got a daughter and three nieces growin up without a father and I plan to be here for all of them cause I ain't goin no where!

Bria: that's so sweet. And I kno u won't hit me cause ill beat ya ass lmao just kidding! But I'm glad u don't wanna leave and you wanna support you family !

Aug: haha yea bria! Lord know you got them fists lmao....

Bria: shut up

Aug: whatever guh

Bria: So how was the studio?

Aug: good I finished this track with my bro currensy! Oh and I want you to come listen to my album tmrw. I want Kay to come to so she can here her daddy's voice. *smiles*

Bria: aww that's so sweet

Aug: Yep. I love her more than life itself. She is the most important thing in my life right now

Bria: yeppie. In mines too!Im happy I had Kay Kay. She is a blessing!

Aug: yes she is! But we have to start planning the wedding. But since its a girls dream I thought I'd hire a wedding planner an you girls can handle it. Is that cool?

Bria: YES that would be great

Aug: ight. I wanna wait until like the end of the year tho. When we are stable and we are absolutely sure about it cause i want to make sure we are both ready.

Bria: that sounds good aug.

-------after dinner------------------------

* at the house*

Bria: Aug I'm tired so I'm goin upstairs and goin to bed

Aug: ok *picks her up and carries her to the room*

Bria: what are you doing august

Aug: being a man and not making my lady walk *smiles*

Bria: your to sweet!!!

Aug: *lays her in the bed* goodnight

Bria: good night babey *kisses him passionately *

Aug: * kisses back* Feels on her butt

Bria: can we not go there tonight.... I'm not ready and I'm tired

Aug: yea I understand babe. I don't wanna rush anything.

Bria: it's fine bae. I want to its just in still sore down there from giving birth to our little big head Kay Kay *smiles a bit*

Aug: Don't talk about my Kay's head and its aight just come get in the bed. We can just lay here and fall asleep together

Bria: ok *smiles* lays beside him

* they fall asleep wrapped in each others arms*

A/N: perfect love right?.... Don't be so sure..

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