"So where is Cherrystar and her clan?" Moonshine asked seeing if her patrol was anywhere around, it would be nice to have some help.

"Cherrystar decided not to have her clan in danger, so she's staying out of it. However, she is having her clan keep an eye out on the rouges incase they come near the clan." Silverstar said.

Pineleaf sighed. "That would be good. After all these rouges look like they can strike at any moment, it would be nice to have some eyes keeping the forest safe." Pineleaf said.

"Right." Silverstar replied. Silverstar looked at his patrol and frowned seeing that his deputy, Darkcloud picked his daughter, Wetpaw to be part of the patrol. "You'll be okay, right?"

"Father, I'll be ok." Wetpaw said.

"Father?" Silverpaw and Sparrowpaw said at the same time. Surprised, that the FreezeClan apprentice is Silverstar's daughter.

"I know, but this is dangerous. I just don't." He was cut off when Swanleg put her paw on Silverstar.

"I'll keep her safe, don't worry." She whispered. Silverstar smiled and let his patrol join together with the LightClan and DuskClan patrol.

"Same with us." Moonshine said. Silverstar smiled and left off, but before he did he touched nose with his daughter incase he doesn't get to see her again. Silverstar looked at the patrol once more and went back to FreezeClan. "Shall we continue?" Moonshine asked.

"Of course." Pineleaf said. The patrol kept continuing on till they made it to the scent where Snowpaw and Darkpaw was last scene. Silverpaw sniffed the ground to catch the scent.

Silverpaw sighed. "The scent is still here, if we were any longer away, there would be no hope finding them." Silverpaw explained.

Wetpaw took the scent and went through the bushes. "I found where the scent goes too, but," She stopped seeing the sun starting to set. "Its getting late, think we could sleep it off for tonight?" Wetpaw asked.

Moonshine and Pineleaf looked at the sunset, then at each other and nodded. "It would be nice, let's get some prey, sleep, and by sunhigh we'll keep continuing our journey." Pineleaf explained.

"Right, Foxclaw," When he heard his name, Foxclaw got up. "Think you can help me hunt prey for tonight?" She asked.

Foxclaw nodded. "Of course Moonshine." He replied. Moonshine smiled.

"We can help." Ashclaw said with Swanleg and Flowerclaw on his side.

Moonshine looked at the apprentices. "Do you guys want to help?" She asked.

"I can help." Rosepaw said going to Moonshine. "Silverpaw, want to help as well?" She asked.

Silverpaw got up. "Sure, it might help to get some practice." She said. Rosepaw smiled and went with the hunting patrol.

The patrol went through the woods to hunt for prey. Silverpaw was silently stalking a squirrel from behind, and the squirrel didn't know she was there. Quietly, she was ready to pounce on the squirrel. However, Foxclaw came by and swiped it from her. "H-Hey!" Silverpaw yelled. "Not again." She mumbled.

"You should have been quick enough." Foxclaw replied holding the squirrel in his jaws. Silverpaw glared, and went to look for something else to be caught. After a while of looking, she saw dove eating a worm. Quietly, she sneaked up on the bird and pounced on it. She gave thanks to StarClan, and carried the prey back to the camp where the patrol was waiting.

The patrol was already enjoying their meal, and decided to share her prey with Rosepaw, who caught a mouse and two birds for them to enjoy and Sparrowpaw. "Here," Silverpaw said as she put the dove with the rest of the prey. Silverpaw was ready to take a bit of her prey she caught, but saw Wetpaw grabbing some fish from her mentor. "Wetpaw! Want to join us?!" Silverpaw yelled.

Wetpaw looked at the apprentices and went over to her mentor not looking at the apprentices. Swanleg sighed and put a tail on her apprentice. "You should join them, Wetpaw." Swanleg said.

"B-But." Wetpaw replied, till Swanleg gave her a stern look. Even though the apprentices were from a different clan then her, she wanted to eat with her clan. But, Swanleg still wanted her to bond with the others, even though she was still loyal to FreezeClan, she picked up the fish she was going to eat and went to the apprentices.

"Hello, Wetpaw." Rosepaw said.

"Hey." Wetpaw replied not looking at the apprentices. "I'm just here because were apprentices going on our first quest." She said.

Rosepaw and Silverpaw smiled seeing that the FreezeClan apprentice joined them with Sparrowpaw. "You'll be fine, Wetpaw. I promise." Sparrowpaw said. Wetpaw started at him and went back to eating.

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