chapter 18 ✽the show: part one

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(+follow me and I'll follow you all back)

writing this at like 1am fml


"I can't believe you're wearing my merch for the show. this is exactly why you're my girlfriend," Mario chuckled, snapping a photo of me on his phone as I posed at the entrance of the building. we were waiting for confirmation to go backstage, since mario and everyone had a show later today.

I sipped on my Starbucks drink, sighing. "I still don't understand why I have to come onstage during the show though." I pointed down at my outfit. "I could literally blend in with the crowd."

"because my supporters love you! you basically have a fan base of your own!" he exaggerated. "plus, Sara will be performing too. you need to be there to support your bestfriend."

I sighed, nodding reluctantly. he was right. Sara had started making covers of songs and was getting a lot of support from the younow family, so she was asked to sing at the show.

"-sorry to interrupt, but here are your guest passes. don't lose these, they are very important," a middle aged lady told us, handing us both lanyards. "the backstage rooms are down the corridor, on the right once you turn the corner."

"thank you ma'am," we nodded.

she smiled warmly at us. "no problem darling. find me if you have any problems."

we began to walk towards the backstage rooms, but I needed to pee so I stopped and turned to Mario. "hey babe, you go ahead, I'm just going to go to the restroom."

"alright babygirl," he nodded, waving as we started walking down opposite ends of the corridor.

I spotted a brown haired guy walking down the corridor looking a little lost. he had one of the guest passes around his neck (like the ones that Mario and I were given at the entrance), so I assumed that he was performing at the show too.

I walked upto him. "you look a little lost."

he grinned sheepishly. "I can't find my way to the backstage room. do you possibly know where it is?"

I pointed to the direction Mario had gone down. "yeah, it's just around the corner. are you performing too?"

"yep. I'm known as flamingeo on social media," he said awkwardly. "you might not have heard of me though, I'm not that popular."

"you were on tour with Mario right?.. POMS I think?" I trailed off. "I remember him telling me about it. I'm Beth, by the way."

"you're Mario's girlfriend? he'd told me so much about you, but since I hadn't really seen any photos of you, I had no idea what you looked like," he smiled. "I came here with my girlfriend too, but I have no idea where she is right now."

"really? who's your girlfriend?" I asked, curious.

"Loren Gray.." he paused for a second. "do you know her?"

I turned on my heel and began to walk off. "unfortunately, yes."

he furrowed his eyebrows. "wait. where are you going? what's wrong?"

hired girlfriend ✽ mario selman [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن