chapter 15 ✽beach date

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my prayers go out to the families of the victims of the recent terrorist attacks in the city of gaziantep, in turkey. #prayfortheworld

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beware.. you are about to read the crappest chapter in wattpad history. you have been warned.


"let's go to the beach, each, let's go get a wave! they say, what they gonna say?" Sara and I sang, belting the lyrics of the well known Nicki Minaj song. we skipped ahead, while Mario and Weston trailed from behind, laughing at us. the guys had planned a double date sort of day at the beach (with just the four of us), and we're almost there now.

we arrived at the beach after a few minutes, since it's only a five minute walk in total anyway. when we got there, the guys (and even Sara) jumped into the sea before anything else, since it was a hot day and we'd been walking.

I chuckled, watching Sara squeal as Weston and Mario splashed water at her.

"come on, Beth! the waters amazing," Sara called out to me, grinning like crazy.

I shook my head. "I'll come in later."

I'm not scared of the water or anything, but I just didn't feel like going in just yet. also, I was a little nervous for Mario to see me in a bikini. I'm insecure about my body- it's one of the things I hate most about myself.

I watched as Mario began to walk out of the water, and towards me. "come on. in the water you go," he smirked, throwing me over his shoulder.

"don't pick me up! I'm heavy! I'll break your back with my weight!" I screeched, punching his back.

he rolled his eyes and started walking back into the water. "oh stop exaggerating. you're light as a feather, I can barely feel you."

"Mario! don't you dare! no kisses for you all day if you throw me in the water!" I managed to get out, my voice muffled since I was facing his back.

he raised his eyebrows, getting ready to throw me in the water.

"no kisses for a week!" I continued to threaten him, hoping he would start to take me seriously.

as expected, he ignored me, chucking me into the water: I just about managed to shut my eyes and mouth before I fell in. I emerged from the water and glared at Mario, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Beth- two, Mario- three!" he hollered.

we all swam for a while, doing random things in the water. we'd stayed in the water for long now, so I was beginning to get cold.

my eyes searched the water for Mario so that I could tell him I was getting out of the water, but I found that he was already staring at me when my eyes landed on him. Weston and Sara were further in the water, doing god knows what.

he swam to where I was. "you look so good in that bikini," he murmured, never taking his eyes off me.

he leaned down to peck me on the lips, but I moved my face to the right at the last second, so he ended up kissing my cheek instead.

he groaned. "you were serious when you said 'no kisses for a week'?"

"mmh, I was dead serious," I retorted, walking out of the water and grabbing a towel. he soon followed after me, whining "but Bethhhh, I want a kiss."

I watched a group of thin girls go past out of the corner of my eye, and suddenly felt insecure. I wrapped the towel tighter around myself.

I'm average weight with a bit of a tummy and pretty thick thighs, but I'm definitely not overweight.

I felt someone's gaze on me, and looked up to find Mario (once again) staring at me.

"your body is perfect, there's nothing to feel self conscious about," he said in a scolding tone- he must've followed my gaze and noticed what was bothering me.

I played with my fingers, which were now wrinkly from staying in the water for so long. "I just-"

"-your body is fine the way it is. end of conversation." he interrupted me.


he pressed his lips against mine to silence me, and it seemed to work. he smirked triumphantly. "much better."

I know I said that I wasn't going to kiss Mario for an entire week, but I don't think I resist.


"I know exactly how to get Mario back for throwing me in the water.." I whispered to Sara, watching the two guys sleeping on their fronts.

I grabbed the bottle of suncream from my bag and used it as ink to write meston on Mario's back. I then handed the bottle to Sara so she could do the same to Weston.

we let them lay in the sun for an hour or two, long enough for a mark to be evident on their backs. Sara and I took photographs and sunbathed in the meantime, but decided we should wake them up after a while so that they wouldn't overheat.

we took a couple of photos of them on our phones, then wiped off the suncream with one of the spare towels, carefully so they wouldn't wake up. just as we'd hoped, the parts where we had written in suncream had stayed pale while they had tanned everywhere else. I turned to Sara and high fived her.

(an: I will try and find a photo of what it would look like. if I find a good photo, I'll post it on instagram @/unfitselman)

"wake up baby," I hummed into Mario's ear, teasingly. "Beth- three, Mario- three!"

"huh?" he sat up, confused and still half asleep. "what's going on.. and why is my back wet?"


really really really crappy chapter. IDEK IF THIS CHAPTER MAKES SENSE, like I legit want to delete this

no but seriously, if you don't get what the girls do to the guys, just search up sun tan tattoos

got the idea for this chapter while sunbathing at the beach lololol

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