chapter 17 ✽matchmaking and pennyboards

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GUYS, WE HAVE 10K READS! I say WE because this is you guys' book too. you got this book to where it is and I love you all for that

oh and did y'all hear about that whole weston's girlfriend thing??


"I'm so happy I have you," I mumbled, snuggling closer to Mario, who had his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"gross. I hate relationships, couples and all of that lovey-dovey shit."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at my brother's immaturity. "that's only because you can't get into one yourself."

Mario chuckled besides me, mumbling "I never knew my girlfriend was such a savage."

"I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to have boys over. it wouldn't be good if mom heard about you having Mario over, would it?" Dallas threatened me from across the room.

I shrugged carelessly. "go ahead big bro."

"MOM, Beth brought Mario over!" my brother yelled from where he was sat, and we soon heard my mom's footsteps nearing the living room.

"really?" my mom asked excitedly, popping her head through the door. she went to hug Mario, backfiring Dallas' plan. "Dallas, I trust Beth and Mario not to do anything inappropriate. Mario is like family to us, he's an exception to the no-boys rule."

and with that, she left the room again. she was doing some baking with my sister so she went back to the kitchen.

"do you think we'd be able to do some matchmaking for your brother?" Mario whispered to me.

"oh yeah! why didn't we think of that before? Ari has a crush on my brother. if we set them up, he'll leave us two alone." I explained, excitedly.

"alright. what shall we do then?" Mario wondered aloud. "penny boarding?"

"I don't think penny boarding is a go-" I began, before I was interrupted.

"-please can we go penny boarding?" Mario frowned.

"but I can't-" I tried once again.

"-penny boarding," he pleaded. "please can we do penny boarding? please? please? please?"

"fine," I groaned, grabbing my phone. what I was trying to tell him was that I couldn't pennyboard.

me: up for penny boarding with dallas, mario and I?

it's not ari: did you just say dallas?

it's not ari: I'll be over in ten minutes


"I'm here!" Ari's loud voice rang in the house. she was at my front door ten minutes later, just as she'd claimed so.

"wait a second while I get my pennyboard," I said, jogging up the stairs to my bedroom. "I'll be right down."

I knelt down beside my bed and took the unused penny board from underneath it. I'd bought it a couple of weeks ago, thinking I could learn, but I just haven't had time. It was such a cute board that I couldn't resist not buying it.

when I got down, Dallas, Ari and Mario had started penny boarding up and down the road, so I sat down on some grass nearby.

Mario frowned, noticing me not joining in. "what are you waiting for?"

"I can't pennyboard," I confessed shyly.

"what?" Mario asked.

"she said, SHE CAN'T PENNYBOARD," my brother hollered from the other side of the road.

I rolled my eyes. "gee thanks, bro. why don't you let the whole neighbourhood know?" I then turned to Mario. "I tried to tell you, but you didn't listen," I pointed out.

"sorry," he grinned sheepishly. "come on, it's easy. I'll teach you."

I stood up from where I was sat. "would you really?"

he intertwined our hands and pulled me towards him. "yep. plus, Dallas and Ari are kicking off well so we can just leave them to themselves. now, try to balance on the pennyboard."

I shook my head, and he sent me a look.

"but I don't wanna fall," I whined.

"just try," he insisted.

I shook my head stubbornly.

"hold onto my shoulders and you'll be okay."

"fine," I sighed, putting one foot on the board.

"that's it. do the other one now," Mario encouraged me.

I put my other foot on the board, immediately feeling the board slip under my feet. I shut my eyes, waiting for my fall, when two arms wrapped around my waist.

I opened my eyes to see Mario looking down at me, our lips inches apart. I closed the gap between our lips, pressing mine against his, with him responding just as eagerly. I pulled away after a few minutes.

"I erm.. thanks, uhm- for catching me," I giggled, wiping away the bit of lipstick that had found it's way from my lips to his.

after ten minutes of me complaining, squealing and almost falling (multiple times), I could finally balance on my penny board. now it was time for me to actually ride on the penny board.

I looked back at Mario for reassurance, and stepped on the board once again, using one of my feet to push myself along.

"go Beth!" I heard Mario yell from behind me. I gained enough courage to go a little faster. bad idea. actually, not just bad. terrible idea. I went tumbling to the ground.


I heard Mario, Ari and Dallas running up to me.

"are you okay baby?" Mario asked worriedly.

no I'm not okay you fucker, I just fell I thought to myself. I didn't say it out loud though, of course.

"yeah I'm-" I began.

"you, you just.. you fell! oh my god, you should've seen your face! I can't breathe," Dallas cracked up.

honestly, my brother is such a dickhead.

"I didn't fall, I was hugging the ground," I muttered.

"I'm sure you were," he said sarcastically.

"yeah, it looked a little lonely," I insisted.

"really?" my brother asked, amused.

I nodded. "we shouldn't neglect floors."


that was so crap I'M SORRY GUYS. like, this story is so bad, I don't even get why you guys read it

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who wants drama next chapter??

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